James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

Here’s some Wednesday in-tent camshots

Officially logged in Jane app


You’ve got some good stuff, just needs a little more time to dry. :blush:


Thanks! Just gonna keep it in the Cannatrol for a while. Let the goodness grow…

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Thanks! Stan’s amazing. Mostly Yorkie with Schnauzer secondary. Lots of attitude, but super-loving.

I wish Stanlee would take things… that sounds adorable!
Stan has gotten a bit more adventurous lately. He just turned 4 July 19th, and he seems to be getting into things a bit now… Small trash cans, recycle paper bag, stretching from our bed to night table to see “cool stuff” over yonder…
Stan just leaves a trail of Kong Yellow Squeaker balls everywhere :100: Its his one vice…

Wherever Stan is… Yellow-ball not far behind :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Giving a bit of a water top off with 630ppm nutes…

Family photos… :arrow_up: :arrow_down: The most plants I’ve had at my place in a bit.

Hawiian Snow Cone looking good!

She’s really starting to stretch out. No roots in res yet, but should be any time. My buddy that did two turbos the same day, hasnt seen roots either (as of yesterday).

Turned the EVO4 up another notch to Level 4. Pushing 350ppfd and these girls have been going 24 hours a day - true Vegas girls they are! There’s time to sleep later.
Will turn to 18/6 after a day or three. Want to see roots first.

Also would like to wait to top her until I see roots. Is that the way to go? Hope so. Not that she’s ready for that quite yet…

Need to figure out what to do with these two…

Tiki Headhunter

Headhunter – pablos revenge x ICC bx
fantastic commercial strain – cup winning high times Arizona 2024
sweet zaza – nose
9-8 weeks

Tiki Walkn – N – LA

Walkn – N – LA ( Headhunter f2 )
Linage – Headhunter x Headhunter
More of a sour nose heavier gas… Boutique Structure with golf ball sized buds. California top shelf structure 8 to 9 weeks

The obvious move is to replace Powie in the 2x4 Money-Pit grow, if somehow they both turn out male…
Beyond that, I’ll probably make them my next grow… which means keeping alive til then. Ugh :grin:

If anyone is in Vegas and wants cuts… Just let me know.
Not gonna ship out anything, but as always… Mi cut es su cut :100:.
I’ll probably let these two grow a bit and swap to slightly larger pots and clip them along with HSC and do a clone run. Something to suck up some time, lol…

Looks like I wont be harvesting in this or the 2x4 for a while. Fingers crossed that at least one Powie twin is Female :100:
Just in case anyone is interested, and not following my 2x4 grow, here’s a link:


Friday’s out the effendor Pic…

Gonna top and train this weekend, I think.
Move the others into larger pots, as well.

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Fridays in-tent cam shots…


@Jetdro actually out did me! I forget how much he pulled but in the mid to high 20s I think? Ocotpots are a game changer. Sometimes I pull less, but at least 6, on the normal about 8 to 10 ozs.

That scared the crap out of me, we were under the bad rules of the game and had limits on how much we could hold, that was 4 os over! lol then I Had the other plants on top of it, I made some oil and tincture to get the weight down., I was like OMG, happy camper but paranoid as hell ha!


Thats awesome!
Gotta give props to the law-makers! Where would we be as growers without the bureaucrats to hold us back? :rofl: Then again, no entertainment value without them :100:

Im not even sure how much we’re allowed to have here in Clark Co Nevada… Im safe for 12 plants in my home, but I dont think Neveda, as of yet has limits on material in a household. Nevada recently raised limits for “on you right now” to 2.5oz Flower, but I see nothing in the CCB.NV website stating limits on how much you can stash at your place.

Plus, I have NO problem in my mind whatsoever averaging 8-12 oz per plant. I’d honestly be happy with that amount as a solid baseline… Something to work toward.


Hey guys! So here’s Sundays action…

Hawiian Snow Cone stretching too much, She was given to me stretchy, and even under good lighting, continues to spread… :neutral_face:

Messing with the Clone tent a bit. HLG100 V2

Can run PPFD fairly low if needed, for clones. May end up utilizing it. Dont know where the fuck it would go…

Got Max ppfd around height of Turbo Kloner

And minimum shot…

Back on track…

Got her sisters the other day. HSC needs a cut…

And Done!

Start some training right away! :arrow_down: :arrow_up:

Stans always gotta get in there. :100: just love that lil guy


Tuesdays in-tent cam shots…

Day 17 and Still NO roots to the reservoir on this “Turbo” grow.
My buddy already has roots showing on several of his…

Im sure its all averages, etc.

Kinda funny, the one “Turbo” type grow I’ve done is slower than seed to reservoir in the tent next door. The Powie Twin clones both made to reservoir in under two weeks and from germination in only 16 days.

The only other Clone or Cutting Type I’ve done is Electrify. She was my first Octopot grow. Between 2-3 weeks to see roots from cutting into Octopot.

I’'ll definitley do this method again, but kinda funny :crazy_face:


Another set of amazing pictures of your grow @supersecretjim Love to see your plants thriving - it is obviously down to the care Stan Lee is taking to guard them for you :smiley:
Keep up the good work :ok_hand: :clap: :clap:

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Thanks Nick!
Stans influence on my grow is obvious to anyone :rofl:
If he could just convice roots to fill that reservoir…
Stanlee the “Root Whiperer” :100:

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Hump day in-tent camshots…


Can I get a Hallelujah!!

A root!

For comparison, here’s my buddy’s planted same day, same way…

But, he did mention yesterday evening that 2 or 3 of the 8 site Octogrow have not yet shown roots, but all looking awesome! I think he also mentioned his HSC may be the slow ones as well… Hmmm :thinking:

Root showing Day 18, maybe 17. Looks like ol “Turbo” didnt prove to be any quicker than seed, or direct cutting in soil. Thats just based on my grows only.
When I factor in my buddy and his new Octogrow, that number changes. He did see a couple after right about 2 weeks, Still no faster than direct seed to pot or cutting to pot, in my experience.
I do believe the Turbo Method has merit, and will continue to use it when appropriate. Its a good feeling putting in a clone with full roots. You just KNOW its gonna survive and GO…

I know Turbo Method isnt just about speed to the res, its about filling the reservoir with as many roots as possible and not setting up home in the bag.
Ive been lucky on all my Octopot grows so far. Each has filled the reservoir big time, as well as having decent roots in lower 1/2-1/3 of bag. A truly balanced root system.

I was really worrying about this grow being "bag bound’ :rofl: Really happy to see that first root poking out and into the water :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I will say I much prefer the Symmetry that comes with growing from seed. Clones wreck havock with my brain, Seriously. Gonna see how the rest of this grow goes, but I’m already stressing. She’s already too tall, plus I’ve got that fan up top sucking up 5" of valuable vertical real estate


Thursdays out the Effendor Pic…

Gonna get rid of the cuttings (in the trash). My buddy Vern was supposed to pick them up, but he’s outta town now. I’ll take more later.
I think I may incorporate the Humidifier tonight. Would like a tad higher RH in there. Around 45% in there away from plant.

Some of HSCs leaves are not looking too awesome…


Thursdays in-tent cam shots…


Its official! Couldnt put off any longer…
Changed the lamp schedule, and I’ll mess with PPFD by the weekend.

Tiki Hawiian Snow Cone is officially in Vegetation. She’s got that one “toe” in the reservoir… Lets watch her take off :100:


Loving the narrow leaves. Is this going to be another longer flower?

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Supposed to be 8-9 week. Fairly normal, I think.

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