James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

Thinking I may take cuttings from the other two girls in the Mini-Pit…
Head Hunter and Walkn–n–LA are my next two in the 2x4 Money-Pit, but really dont want to break out the clone tent.

May take cuttings from each plant and putting in my garage fridge. Should carry them for a month or two and buy me some time. If it works, would like to take cuttings from the Powie Twins and HSC as well, once she’s a bit bigger…


How do you store the cuts in the fridge? That is something I need to learn.

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Something I need to learn as well. Want a way to slow thngs down. This puts them into a stasis of some sort… Cool temp.(41-45°F), Much less light.

Put in tupperware or ziplock bag with bit of moisture. There’s s few threads on OG about the subject. Might buy me some time until the 2x4 harvest which wont happen until some time in November.
Here’s a few threads…

Put some cuttings “on the chill” for a month or two, then transfer to Turbo Klone and “Turbo Method” them into Octopots for the Holiday grow season.

What could go wrong!? :rofl:


:laughing: thank you for the links! I didn’t search it yet, but keeping cuts in stasis would be ideal over keeping a closet full of clones to aggravate the wife with.

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Thats my MAIN motivation. Happy Gie, happy me.


Lil bit of action Thursday after work and PT…

Moving lil sisters out of the tent. Theyre now sitting with some house plants wifey has. I’ll decide their fate this weekend

Got lower net set up and taking ppfd measurements…

Light still at level 6

Got some decent ppfd going, may bump up to 600s :thinking:

Net up and looking good. She’ll grow through it :100:

Removed a few larger leaves and she’s gonna need some routing soon

A bud of mine was telling his boss about my grow and mentioned Skywalker OG Kush recently harvested… Boss LOVES that stuff. Faveorite strain. Ended up weighing out a zip+ for him to help ingratiate his boss. Stan is standing by to make sure no funny business :100:

All sealed up!


Fridays out the effendor pic…

And some in-tent cam shots…


Do you fully vacuum pack ? Been wondering if I could use mine for long term storage. Just dodnt know if it would crush the buds

If you’re in the UK you could do worse than check out the Hydropod system from Esoteric Hydroponics in Guildford. It’s more like flood and drain than the Octopot but the results are phenomenal.


Definitely can and will crush some buds. Some buds will fluff back out a bit, some won’t.

Fully dependent on how solid or fluffy your nugs are…

Still smoke and vape the same as if never vacuum sealed. :100:

Try it on a small amount, and see how it works out.


Great job my friend enjoy your harvest

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Thanks Paps!
LSD is a good one! Took almost a week to get stable down to roughly 60%, by cycling open and closed Grove Bags. First defualt Cannatrol run plus a few days on hold somehow left LSD too wet. (65-67%) That goes against everything most warn about, which is Cannatrol over-drying… :thinking:

Sharing LSD all over :100:


Who’s lsd is it ?
Was it fem or reg

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Definitely not in UK, lol. Las Vegas :boom:
I checked it out. Interesting, but tough to tell how anything works because their own website has terrible photos. Actually, just the one photo :rofl:
No video showing operation and breakdown of set up, etc.

Amazes me when I see that. If you have a great product, show it off! Let everyone know about it. Have a website that draws me in and makes me want the product, not just a single photo…

Could be the next greatest product, but who will ever know?


Thanks for the info @Igor will give them a look :smiley: :smiley:

Sorry for the confusion @supersecretjim I should have tagged @Nick . I don’t think they’ve updated their website since I last looked at it in 2004, the pictures are still the same! I did notice recently that there’s a cutaway picture of a 4 pod version of it in the Canna catalogue. The system looks complicated but is so beautifully simple I can imagine it being designed and prototyped and refined by stoners before the internet.

Basically that centre pipe is connected to a pump that is stuck to the reservoir floor with sucker feet. The pump comes on every 3 hours and starts to fill the buckets, the liquid starts to return through the outer/lower tubes and the red valves are to slow the return down if the pump can’t keep up. The upper tubes are just for overflow prevention in case the pump gets stuck on. The return pipes are angled up to make the returning liquid stir and aerate the reservoir, and the lower pipes being 1" off the bottom of the bucket means that even after the flood/drain cycle there’s some liquid in the bottom.

Sorry, thread hijack. Plant is looking amazing as ever, those girls seem to like getting trained hard.


Saturday mornings action…

Roots are really starting to populate :100:



LSD was from ILGM. Feminized seeds. I think I got 5 each of them in ILGMs Chem pack
Chemdawg feminized
LSD feminized
Green Crack feminized


Mondays out the effendor Pic…

And some in-tent cam shots…