James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

Would a plastic airpot be even better , last forever , easy clean , sturdy , and at end of every grow you can dismantle and see roots ?


Great miniature-schnauzer-butt shot. -Small dogs with big dog personalities. We’ve got three of them. I want more…

Loving the grow shots too. Thanks for sharing.


Great project for you to explore! I’ll definitely watch :vulcan_salute:

Does anyone HAVE an Airpot? Would the hydrowick be a good fit? Ive only seen the airpots from the outside. Is it doable?

So I watched the Airpot video… Would the hydrowick fit in place of the base? Could be interesting.


Thanks! Its an ongoing joke that Stan now has the cutest butt in the house, lol. Wifeys is still the hottest butt…

Not a miniature Schnauzer. Stans mostly Yorkie, but a mix of others including Schnauzer. About 70% Yorkie & the rest is a mix. I had him tested. Twice. He’s got big-time Schnauzer hind legs and stance for sure. Bought him as a Morkie, but turns out he’s a Snorkie.

It all depends on the cut I give him. He can easily go incognito :vulcan_salute: :100:

Im trying to adopt another small dog with hair (cant shed). Wife is the stumbling block. She doesnt do dogs. Until Stan. She couldnt say no. That was huge for her. Hopefully the next year or so. Need to see whats going on for me health-wise as well. Finances could drastically change soon.

Life, growing weed, keeping dogs… None of it cheap.


Hump days out the effendor pic…

Got two fans blowing on her. Lower fan is constant and upper (V2) is in partial recip mode blowing down on LSD. Decent breeze moving her around…

Temperature is right where I want it to be - just under 75F, but relative humidity is definitely down a bit in the low 50s

Got a bowl of water and another bowl with microfiber towel soaked in water. Trying to do what I can without using humidity dome. Hopefully new humidifier will be here soon. Tracking shows label created.


A friend uses those there a pita to clean

But they do produce roots


Personally, as long as the plant is healthy and grows the way an Octo-plant should grow then Its all good. But would you have too many roots in pot and not enough in the reservoir?

Cool project for someone (not me) to take on :100:

Surely there’s an Octopot grower out there with Airpots sitting aound unused…


I think I heard peeps just putting them in dishwasher


I KNEW I’d seen someone doing this when I was first researching Octopots…


Its a deleted account. Maybe someone from here knew him.


I’ve seen them used on Octopots that do work well

As far as roots developing in the bag versus the Octopot reservoir. I’ve had some plants that the roots never made its way into the Octopots reservoir, but filled the bag completely where others during the shame grow and treated, the same way taken from clones reacted differently, and filled reservoir . Sometimes I believe it depends on the plant


In-tent cam shots…

In-tent RH Is 42% - its about 10% lower than measured right at the seedling via ACI probe.


Word on the costs of doing what we love! -Not cheap. :slight_smile:

I guessed that he might have been a schnauzer, but thought there might have been a bit of Yorkie in there too.

Full disclosure: My wife’s mom used to breed Yorkies and we’ve had a couple over the years. Loved my Yorkies, but I’m ruined for Schnauzers now Will never go back.

Schnauzers are, I understand, hypo-allergenic, and shedding is not a big thing at all for dogs with such wonderful coats. My short-haired dachshunds were much worse!

Good luck with the health-issues and with the Wife warming up to a new pooch.

Will definitely tag along on the grow-show! Thanks again for sharing!



Thanks Longtooth!

Ive always loved schnauzers, and glad Stan has that in him. It really comes thru in his personality. He’s appropriately nicknamed “Stanlee the Defiant one”. Its very well-deserved. He’s adorable enough to pull it off, lol


She’s looking good, my lil LSD… Officially day 7 since she popped!

She’s gonna need a water top off tonight. Ph’d RO water straight-up :vulcan_salute:


Just got word from UPS, my replacement ACI Humidifier is on truck and out for delivery! Woo-Hoo!

Get that one into play tonight!


Day 7 close-ups

Replacement T3 V2 installed and working :crossed_fingers:

Right where she wants to be for temp and RH :vulcan_salute:

Didn’t get a chance to top off water. Be sure tomorrow evening after work and VA appt.


Heys guys, here’s day 1 of week 2.

She’s starting to lean a bit. I wonder if that’s because I moved her over to fit the humidifier in the tent :thinking:

Feeling much more comfortable with these numbers…

View from the top…


This was late Saturday. She just went to sleep at midnight.

Got a chance to top up water to just a bit above first line.
Also, bumped up lamp to level 3. Around 240-250ppfd

In the photo above, I’ve highlighted the net that denotes my Full-Power1000ppfd point.

Really need to plan ahead for action to happen around there.
Its easy to see how things could get difficult to maintain if she gets a bit too vertical.
If they reach the door opening horizonal seam, Im good. Any higher, and things will get VERY interesting…


Happy Sunday!

Stanakin Skywalker on post this Easter Sunday. May The Schwartz be with him…

Standing almost 3 inches tall on day 10 of her short life. Day 16 from seed

A topping is in her near future. Definitely need to be proactive about keeping her canopy at a reasonable height.


Monday (with a vengeance) out the Effendor pics…

Day 11 of Seedling and Day 17 from Seed. Doing well, I think.