James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

April Fool’s day in-tent cam shots…

Close-up shot


Happy Tuesday!

Lowering Relative Humidity in the pit…just a bit.
Temperature and RH goal… Roughly 70F and 65RH. Shooting for VPD .6-.7.

In-tent cam shots…

This is Day 12 of seedling, Day 18 from seed.

She’s comparable size-wise to Blue Dream and Skywalker OG at this day and stage.
Shot below is Blue Dream and Skywalker OG on days 13 and 12, respectively.


When I’m home tonight, I’ll get better photos of LSD for comparison.


I think you said before, but what controller do you have for your tent?

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Thats the AC Infinity Controller 69 Pro. Theyre doing really well for me. Ive got three in use. One in this tent, and dual 69s in my 2x4 grow.

Ok sweet. Thanks!

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@Gadarien AC Infinity has the Smart controller available in a bundle with any of their inline fans. It’s about $30 more than the price of the fan on its own. I think they also sell the controller separately but I needed a new fan so I think the bundle was a good value for me.

AC Infinity 4-inch Inline Fan with Smart controller [LINK]

I saw that! It’s not a bad deal at all! Alone the wifi/Bluetooth one is $99 on Amazon and the Bluetooth only model is $69. I will eventually have to get my grow automated to a further degree but for now it’s not in the cards.

You can get the Controller 69 as part of a kit with the 6" fan. Thats the way I got two of mine, since the ACI 2x4 tent is unsuited to me due to height limitations and the door design.

Dont get the 4". You’ll overpower it.
6" is good for just about anything (what she said :100:).
And you can grow into it if you need.

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Good call! Yeah, I picked up the 6-inch inline myself. Not sure why I linked the 4-inch other than laziness Lol

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Day 13 seedling out the Effendor pics…


A lil bit of training. She’s growing sideways


I just realized I fucked up. I thought this thread was in the growroom diaries. Is there a way to transfer it? Reach out to a Mod?
If not, I’ll just kill it and continue on a new growroom diary thread.
Found Mod. Trasfer to Growroom Diaries complete!

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Here’s Friday in-tent cam shots…


Coming along nicely :sunglasses:

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Saturday Day 16 seedling…

Decided to up lamp to level 4. She was at 3 for a bit…

ppfd just around 300 with everything closed-up.

Is 300 ppfd about right? I’m just about to “switch” to veg in a couple of days.

Thinking about introducing some light nutrients. Gotta see what I did on current 2x4 grow…


Saturdays In-Tent Photos.

And comparison to Blue Dream and Skywalker OG at same Seedling Day.


blue dream1


Here’s Sunday…


Here’s Monday morning in-tent cam shots…

Seedling day 18
Going to call tomorrow Day 1 Vegetation, unless anyone objects…
I may give a light feeding of some Athena nutes. Maybe half strength or so. Gotta check and see what I did on Blue Dream and Skywalker OG.

After checking, looks like I did a half-strength feeding on Veg Day 1. So looks like I’ll give LSD a feeding tomorrow after work. 50% Strength plus Athena Stack.

go time


So, Ive been seeing whats happening with the LSD plant in the Rain Science 7G Autoflower bag…

Much drier feeling at the bag itself. The material doesnt retain moisture, and I see powder on the top surface of the Octopot reservoir. Thats the Coco-Loco soil. The perforations in the bag let some filter through over time. That tells me not only the top level of soil is dry, but perhaps the outer is drier as well.
Would the center or core of the bag be much more concentrated with moisture compared to the moisture level at the outer walls? Im sure this is true with any fabric grow bag, to a degree, but would it be more true with Rain Science bags with the material theyre using? Seems highly-breatheable.

If thats the case, do the young roots follow the straight path towards the reservoir better?
Possibly its more concentrated in the center due to more escaped water and evaporation from the sides?

Just a guy who knows a few things trying to use logic to predict an outcome.
I try logic with toddlers and Stanlee with limited success, so why not Horticulture? :rofl: I stopped trying to use logic with women… But the plants actually listen. Sometimes


Tuesday morning! Or, as we’re calling it around here… Day 25 from seed and Day 1 of vegetation.

4th node just popping. She’s stacking up nicely.

I think she’s looking good so far. Might do a stack foliar treatment tonight after work. Definitely need to get water level up to the line.
Going to introduce nutrients tonight as well. She’s been going very well off the Coco-loco’s built-in nutes, but a feeding at 50% should be good.
Looking at my Money Pit grow, nutrients were on same day. Day one of Veg, just after 18 day Seedling.
Havent seen any roots in the Res yet, but I’ll check again tonight. Should be poking through any minute…