Jaws grow log!

Is your runoff ph normal?

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On it, posted see what pops up


I’ve had this show up and just stay. I’m running in peat/perlite. I fucked up trying to correct a plant like this and it got hydrophobic. Never got it to accept nutes correctly. You could see roots following the moisture path. I was told it might be too much N. That was on bigger outdoor plants. I didn’t think so but I’m no expert. I just gave up on “fixing” what looked funky. Smoked it with the rest. Maybe they’re just tight edged leaves. Something creating some kind of surface tension that pulled the edges tight and down.


I wanna guess N tox but it doesn’t really look the part; or perhaps a light intensity issue. Didnt u upgrade to an HLG? I got a 650r by them and it’s strong as hell I have to dim it otherwise it fries some plants.


Ntox seems to be the general consensus but it’s so much different the next day….

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@shag this is where the problem lies my brother. But I will admit I’ve been going even harder on the calcium than usual on your advice, even got a new kind I can mix in my coco, and next chance out I’m gonna grab some Diamond k too


holy jesus. just spent yesterday and today going thru this thread. amazing pics and knowledge being dropped by many. glad to be caught up but sad i missed so many sick projects.

@JAWS are you looking for the arcata clone specificly or any killer trainwreck cut ?

he said he doesnt know which cut it is but says it is absolute fire, those are his pics


ya looking for a legit known ARCATA cut, wanting to restart some work with the wreck but i need a true cut before i start or i’m just not going mess with it.

thanks man …


yup my first thought was nit issue so i started flushing to get the soil back to normal, days later with no sign of improvement i went back to a low dose feed leaving out the veg fert still nothing changed. its just strange that its only this one strain and in both pot sizes. humm so ok i’ll let them dry out and see if things look any better, if not chop chop chop i got no time for this shite.

thanks guys …


Too much n in feed , excess build up in pot
The leafs won’t straighten but new leafs should grow better

Watch the flushing doesn’t compound the issue ( overwatering ) and confuse things further
Just fussier strain lighter n in feed , and lighter pot , combo of both

: )


Witch’s fingers from overwatering and the added claw from build up of n in pot curling tips further around

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same strain different size pot, same issue.

sorry 3 pic a bit blurry, holding while taking the shot.

there pretty dry right now, just not sure here if i should feed or not. might just give a light watering not the norm but something so they dont just wilt on be by morning.

hummm …


Have you thought about letting them suck up some water from the bottom?


Sooo weird.

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Some interesting info here, especially the top one regarding an alien tech with similar issues


ya these plants have no issues with drying out, the ones in one gallon get 1/4 gallon every two days and the big one gets 1 gallon every two days. had them out this morning and there all both pots dried out decent enough. i went ahead and feed one but did noting with the other two, lets see how if at all there under watered and limp in the morning. never done a bottom watering or feeding so i could try that, should be easy enough. will see how the non watered ones from today look in the morning if there not completely shit i’ll do a bottom WATERING and see how that goes. the to much N is really what i have always thought but by me flushing them i maybe making the issue worse and not better even though i think i know what’s going on. go with a BOTTOM WATERING 6.5 for a few rounds and just see how it goes.

thanks every one for there time and advice …


Bottom watering is great
Fresh feed perfect ph and ppm straight to the root tips ( more control )
Rather than feed picking up stuff from top of pot from previous feeds as it travels down pot to root tips and changing / off setting ph and ppm etc ( less control )
Plus nice gradient of fluid up to air in pot also , just never top water mid grow when doing so , as it will push the tide line back down changing things ( lose control )

: )


I wish I saw that a couple years ago… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
(…it took a while to figure that out on my own…)



Figure you know how to feed and water plants, so ignoring the easy answers like too much N or over/underwater…

Those roots look not too white or healthy. Could just be staining depending on what you’re feeding… But, if it was me, I’d hit with bene tea for root health in case of pythium/fusarium or some other root pathogen. Per gallon then aerated for 30-48 hours - 1 cup EWC, 1 tsp mycos (I use oregonism), 1tsp bene bacteria product (I use southern ag garden friendly fungicide, just amyloliquefaciens), and some of grandma’s mollasses… 10/1 dilution for present issues, all the way to 100/1 dilution for preventive maintenance.

But if plants are still drinking, then roots are still doing their job, most likely… So, I’d also scope for broad and russet mites