Jaws grow log!

out of all the things my noob ass has thrown at plants to try to fix them simple teas and root stimulant are the only things that seem to consistently work.
those dark leaves are nearly what Mag toxicity looks like for me, except the burnt/browning on the middle of them, so im wary of throwing epsom at it personally (again, just an idiot here).
my last resort move if it wasnt in flower would be to bust up the rootball, trim a bit and repot. at this stage i think youd rather toss it and prep the next clone for flower though.


Seems to be one of the remaining factors . Hope not but ya never know


ya not mites there way way to stupid to know exactly what strain to attack time over that just does not happen. this issue is something im not doing or doing to much of for this strain, ALL my plants get the same treatment no matter what they are. in the last two grows this strain is the only strain im having this issue with and every single thing is being done to all the plants but just this strain is having issues.

i’ll try the bottom thing and see where that gets me if any where. not mites not to much mag not a root issue per-say. my roots always look like that 100% of the time, thats totally normal for me.

thanks …


I’m sure you’ll get it cause your plants always look stellar. Any testing for HLVD?


Chem #4 x Lemon Larry. Still got some nice serrations going here @TopShelfTrees1 . I was in a hurry. I’ll get more tomorrow of the buds charging into flower. I continue to be stoked with my choices.


lets see what they look like today.

problem is still going strong, wont be long and this one will get the chop chop i have no time for this. will do the bottom watering here in just a few minutes.

@LouDog420 naw brother i have no idea how to even do that and im sure i could not afford it any ways.

peace …


ok so onto some better news i am totally happy with the pre soaking my rooters in a light blech water, this has so far been a game changer for me at this point. day 10 sense taking cutting and EVERY SINGLE cut is showing roots some much better but ALL have roots showing, this morning 4 more were well rooted enough to get put to soil. tomorrow it looks like 4-6 more will hit the soil. this is a first for me i have never had my entire rack of cuts all root in 10 days thats is fing amazing to me and the only difference is i soaked my rooters in bleach water.

amazing results …


also need say i have cut and thrown out the GMO cuts i got a bit back, nothing at all wrong with them but i had an issues with the person i got them from so i felt it best i just kill them.

peace …


I’ve done this in the past myself…

The plants energy and presence would remind you of the issue with that person.

I’d rather clear the air and have good energy around me and all plants if possible.



also this will be the last run for awhile with the bigger pot’s, there so big that there causing me some problem and there self-inflicted problems so i wont be doing that again for a while. i have several tops above the lights now so/and thats never a good thing ever, to late for any bending or anything like that. i will just do best i can with them in this run.

peace …


Always ALWAYS use a drop to three per gallon…. Thought I told you that before my bad if I didn’t. This changed my rooting game huge 5 years back. Glad to hear it’s helping you brother.


Is there a reason for bleach over peroxide? And what does the bleach do per se?


Also I can help with gmo :wink:


Keeps a sterile source , keeps pathogens etc at bay, especially for those not callous ing cuts/snips it goes a huge way to prevent issues you can’t possibly foresee, plus it allows you to leave water in the base etc. without any algae etc.


@schwaggyp taught me this 5 years back, changed the game for me


Do you guys still use the bleach water in the cubes if popping seeds?


I do not personally. But I’d say it’s worth a shot, side by side? May try it myself :thinking:


Woohoo got likes again!


@JAWS, the leaf broken in the center and bending as an inverted boat (kayak) always talks about the excess phosphorus!
In no case nitrogen, since the nitrogen twists only the edge, and the phosphorus breaks the leaf along and folds along the central vein.
usually in cases where it is too early to add P/K - 13/14
I can say that you have this problem after changing the composition of feeding for flowering with increasing phosphorus share …
As the concentration is reduced, the leaf will not be straightened, it will remain so, but the new ones will grow normal.

By the way, this problem was met mainly on LED, with this problem with gas -discharge lamps, this problem is rare.
What are the pH of the root zone?


ya ok so the bleach just makes things sterile and like top said it just kills any nasty that might be hanging around. i use 10 drops per gallon of water and then soak over night.


dude BOOOOOM this could be exactly what’s happening over here, to me the mention of the added P/K screams at me because i do add booster pretty early and if this strain is sensitive about that then ya this could be exactly what’s happen over here. i will water a few times then go back to feeding but no booster for this strain. this is the first thing that makes sense to me in all of this, i have said a few times i think its something im doing or something im not doing that is causing this issue. this is grower error 100%.

i have hope now …