Jaws grow log!

Good call. Never even thought of that actually :bulb:


get the XL program super easy to figure out and works great. its what all my list are on.

peace …


still waiting on bodhi and copa on a couple trades. should be good from both ppl.

will see …


Chem #4 x Lemon Larry @44 days. Got 2 different top types. A rounder one and a pointed one. Some other differences but not taking them out now unless I have to. Smelling like those shop rags that cleaned up something sweet? Sort of? Not great with smells sometimes. I think these will yield well.


hoping that awesome color starts coming in for you soon brother.

peace …


damn i have misplaced two packs of seeds over here.

uk cheese * alien cookies a 400 seed count pack
lost skunk f2 a 250 seed pack

arrrrr damn it …


Lol just casually misplacing 600+ seeds. I love it, I did that with my coffee yesterday.


Hee hee :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: that’s why you should have never gave me your address! Lots more to go missing in the future too :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Alien Tech f3, got better but still.

humm …


alien rose f1.

not bad color, me likes …


my brother i would be more then happy to send you what ever you want, its time i found trusted ppl i can actually TRUST with all my held genetics and my personal work. i have so much as you know and things are just getting older so hell ya some one{s} to help me make larger batches of these killer old school strains is a breath of fresh air to me for real.

anything any time …


This place is awesome. I can’t wait to get my “breeding/chucking” tent set up next month to start to learn.


And you’ve got no idea how much I appreciate that, and your long lasting friendship/brotherhood . You have definitely time and time again proven your trust in me and loyalty to me and I would give you the shirt off my back if you needed it, absolutely no joke. And your genetics have earned a full time place in my garden no question. You are a rare breed and I’m honoured to call you my brother and one of my best friends. As always much MUCH respect


ohh yes i do have an idea brother, been talking with you for a while now and the conversations we have behind closed doors tells me everything i need to know about what kind of a person you really are. i very rarely open up to any one IN LIFE so for me to have meaningful conversation with you should tell you a lot about me and the kind of man that i am as well.

all love and respect brother …

shake if off and get back on track brother!!!


100% and I’m honoured you chose me. I could definitely tell years ago (initially) that you were a very private person but it’s been awesome to watch you open up in your trust of me and letting me get to know you and yours. Honestly I don’t let many in to the inner circle either, lots of friends and acquaintances but very few TRUE FRIENDS and you certainly fall in that category. I know we’ll be tight for life ( no question) and it’s great to just have you to turn to in my times of turmoil etc. as you know this anxiety has surely altered my mental state. But even in my “crazy” times you have never blinked an eye. And that means more than I can put into words . Thank you for all you do and just being you. Never EVER change you are as solid as they come .


Working hard on that, definitely shaken off, as for back on track let’s hope so :crossed_fingers:t3:


hey brother just go take another look at my list that is now at your finger tips, that should snap you back into reality {sp}. WE have lots and lots of work to do and many many many new strains to make for the ppl.

ah yup …


On it brother. Onwards and upwards


ok so day 54, did there finally dose of special stuff and from now on just going to be doing some watering. around day 63 i will do a big/heavy flush on all the girls and then just start the de leafing and continue with just plain watering. by day 70 shit should be nice and clean and most if not ALL the big fan leaves will have been removed as well as all the dead and dying leaves will get removed. on harvest day that process will make things so much easier and about three times faster.

let’s go …


well most ppl who know me well “not many” knows im not a bragger of my work nor do i like to HYPE shit up. how ever some times i run into something that i just have to say is very very impressive to me, that strain this time is going to be my ALIEN COOKIES F2 #6, its been 12 years sense i created this strain and this plant/phenol is the hands down the best i have ever come across SO FAR.

so i think this plant needs to a session with my light ring so i went to get that done and my light ring has taken a shit, so i ordered another which showed up last wednesday but it did not work right out of the box. need to pack it back up and return it for a working one, hopefully i will have some light ring shots of this girl before chop.

peace …