Jim's ongoing OG journal

looking strong and vibrant!

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happy greens,good work :+1:
gonna watch this

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@GreenGardenerGuy thanks for the kind words

@saxo glad to have you along

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Day 90 number 8 harvest

I think this one ended up being the frostiest of the bunch. I really wish my phone camera could do it justice


Drunken Cherry Fog Dog auto update

Up potted into their final homes

It looks like we have two different phenos

Have a great evening everyone!


Just a quick update for tonight.

The clones are all up potted and under the big lights. I’m going to flip them tomorrow or Saturday due to time constraints, but I would have liked to veg them another week or two

The autos are still going strong. The taller one is already showing signs of flower


Happy mother’s day to all the mothers out there. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Here’s the day 7 of flowering


Day 14 of flower

It’s already starting to get stinky in here. I have some leftover sweet and sour cindy pollen I’m going to hit a few branches with. I’m not sure if it’s any good still, but it’s all I have right now


And here’s the Drunken Cherry Fog Dog autos

I’m going to try to get a smoke report up for the Strawberry Temples later tonight. Have a good evening OG


Hey man, nice setup! Your plants are looking good.

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Thank you. I appreciate you stopping by

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Hey man quick question. I typically just veg plants, grab some clones and then throw the mothers into flower, then repeat. With that being said, why do keep mothers for a couple years as opposed to just cloning clones? I’ve been considering trying the mother plant thing, looking for pros vs cons.


Great question and hope many chime in. As someone who does neither, I do have friends who do both and the ones who keep moms do it for the amount of clones off one seed plant compared to a clone kind of a numbers game. Very interested to see what others say


I do it because I’m not always successful at getting clones to root. I wouldn’t want to try again a few weeks into flower because I’ve heard it was more difficult to get them to root. So it’s a skill issue for me lol


@Jim I just found your thread. You grow healthy plants.

I have the Rabid Hippie cut of Kush Mints. Do you know what yours is?

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Not at all. I’ve grown it before and it smells like every kush mints that I’ve ever gotten from a dispensary, but it seems to be a different smoke than I usually get from the dispensary. Much more chill is the only way I can describe it. I got it from here a year or two ago

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Hi @Jim! Your plants look very healthy! I can’t wait to hear your report on the smoke test!

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Thanks for the compliment @Bert . Yeah I know, I’m a procrastinator on the smoke reports lol. I’ll try to get them typed up tonight after I get off work


Strawberry Temple #5 smoke report

This one ended up smelling like a creamy orange. It was a nice smell, but it wasn’t too strong and didn’t translate to flavor at all. That and it being so leafy was the reason I decided not to keep this one. It has a nice high that gets you right behind the eyes, it makes me feel like I look like Jeff Spicoli lol

Strawberry Temple 3 smoke report

This one smelled just like a citrus berry. Doing these smoke reports has me realizing that I don’t know what a lot of fruits smell like lol. The smell translates really well to the flavor. It looks amazing and finished earlier than the rest. Unfortunately it has a really basic high that only lasts for maybe 30 minutes. That and the very small yield, about 2 ounces on a 2x2x3 plant, were the reasons I decided not to keep this one. It’s too bad, I had high hopes for this one

Strawberry Temple #4 smoke report

This one smelled like a creamy strawberry for most of the grow. It still has it after drying, but it’s also added a very strong skunk smell when you break it up. The fruity part transfers to the flavor pretty well but mostly just tastes like weed. The effects are pretty basic but full and complete is the best way to describe it. Calming, easier to laugh, and definitely dry mouth and munchies. I’ve kept this one for now. It was the most difficult of the 4 to grow, but I would like to try to run it without any major mistakes and see how it turns out

Strawberry Temple #8 smoke report

This one also has a creamy strawberry smell to it, but no skunkyness. It’s not as strong as the #4, and it doesn’t really translate to flavor. The buds were loose compared to the others, but I’ve definitely had much worse. I can’t really tell what too many of the effects are because this one puts me right to sleep. That’s the reason I’m keeping this one for now. I’ve been having a hard time sleeping lately and this one just knocks me out about 15 minutes after smoking

Overall impressions of the strain: I think this would be an amazing strain for a beginner to grow. All the plants took a pretty good beating and didn’t skip a beat except for one plant, and even then it easily made it to harvest. I’m only being picky because I have a small amount of space to keep clones, but I could find a reason to grow every plant in this run again

Thank you everyone that took the time to read, like, or comment through this grow. I’m slowly accumulating supplies to ship out some flips of Strawberry Temple x Sweet and Sour Cindy, and then I will do a giveaway in this thread. I only got 70ish seeds so they will be limited, but I will do what I can to show my appreciation for this OG community


Happy Memorial Day OG! I’ve got a couple of weeks worth of updates here. Nothing too exciting, but that’s usually a good thing in this hobby lol.

Day 21 flower

Day 28 flower

I also pollinated a branch on each of these plants with what I had left of the sweet and sour cindy pollen. I wasn’t sure if it was still good but it looks like it took on all plants