Jim's ongoing OG journal

let me know what you think. always nice to have others perspective

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So I have to rescind my statement lol. My wookie cross ended up yielding very well. The flowers were smaller but it seems the quantity of them really added up.


I’ve only grown one wookie cross and I remember the same thing. I was worried I wouldn’t have enough to make it to the next harvest and it ended up being my biggest harvest by a pretty good margin


Day 64 flowering update

I took a few small branches off of all the plants to see how I like them at 9 weeks. I’ll take a larger amount of branches next weekend and finish it off the weekend after. That will give me a chance to try everything at 9, 10, and 11 weeks to see what works best for me.

I cut back on the nutes last week and it looks like the Sour Diesel is the only one that has started to fade. I’m thinking that means I need to keep full feeds on it for at least another week, all the other plants are green. The Mendo Breath looks like it wants to go the longest, which I think is odd since I took the Sour Diesel 2 weeks longer than it last time I grew them together. This is the first time I’ve grown either of them under LED though, so I guess environment really does make a difference on how they grow lol

I took these in the dark so that I could get some sparkling flash shots so they may be a little bit blurry


Looking great Jim. This thread doesn’t get the attention it deserves, great journal full of great strains, even a seed giveaway sprinkled in lol. Mind blowing how some of these grow diaries fly under the radar.

Are you running anything new after these finish up, or do you have clones?


Thanks, man I appreciate it. I’m sure more people would stop by if I commented on their threads too but I just like to read and I only comment if I have something more than “looks good” to say. I do read most every journal on here that gets regular or semi regular updates.

I’m planning on Kush 4 x ssdd from the co-op, and Chocolate Oozie from @Rhai88 under the big lights and I have Blue raspberry auto fems from @Going2fast going in the clone tent. I would have started everything a week or two ago, but I have a vacation coming up in a few weeks and my auto watering system will be keeping my mother plants alive


@Jim - your plants look amazing. I’m impressed with those bud pictures!

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Thanks @Bert ! I’m glad you had a chance to take a look

Everything coming along nicely Jim, I’ll be around for the harvest and smoke report of those beauties.

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Thanks, man! Glad you made it

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I went ahead and chopped most of everything at day 70. I still have a good sized branch on each plant that is hopefully pollinated with the last of my sweet and sour cindy pollen. I also haven’t chopped the Mendo Breath since it still has quite a few white hairs, and more importantly it’s getting noticeably thicker and more frosty by the day


Sour Diesel

Mother’s Hashplant

Kush Mints, I noticed one nanner on top of one nug but that’s all I saw

Mendo Breath, still going at day 70

That’s all for today. Usually I would have plants a few weeks into veg at this point, but I have a family vacation to plan around and the auto watering system will be keeping the mother plants watered.

Have a great weekend OG


I have a GG4 7 days in flower today my friend so thanks for giving me something to look forward to. It says online she can be taken at 9 weeks do you agree or 70 seems to be the sweet spot?

And hows she smelling? Also, have fun on the
Family trip being planned brudda


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The few branches that I took at 9 weeks tasted and smoked just fine with only a few days drying, but it was noticeably more dense at 10 weeks


They all look Amazeballs Jim :drooling_face: :sparkles:
Phenomenal Job :100:
Big fan of that
Foxtail bud structure :star_struck:


Hi brother just got caught up on your thread
Awesome job

That kush mints dose look amazing

Have you smoked her or the Mendo breath yet ?

They look dank


Thanks, man! I don’t really like trimming it, but I’ve found that most of the bud that I like best has that structure

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This is my second run for all of these. The Kush Mints smells and tastes like every dispensary version that I’ve had, but it seems to hit me different. Dispensary version is super potent, but a little dull just basic spacey weed. This one makes me spacey too, but it’s more daydreamy. I can also remember my dreams more often if I smoke it right before bed.

The Mendo Breath smelling like lucky charms that have been sitting in a bowl of milk. Last time I grew this there was a lot more vanilla and tobacco (not cigarettes). I haven’t grown this since I used HPS lights and I don’t know if that’s the difference. This isn’t a good one if you need to hide it at work. I get a big cheesy grin on my face, and keep getting distracted by every shiny thing lol

HPS bud


Day 77 Mendo Breath harvest

This wasn’t bad at 9 weeks, 10 is probably the sweet spot. I was waiting for a few more white hairs to turn, but it just wasn’t happening

I settled on what I’m doing for the next run. I was just going to do the Chocolate Oozie and the Kush 4 x ssdd, but I wanted a little more variety so I added a couple of cannaventure strains too. I can’t stand not having anything growing so I already started a couple of the Blue Raspberry autos. I’m thinking they should still be small enough to go 5 days without watering when I go on a vacation at the end of the week


Really nice shots Jim :ok_hand:


Hey, everyone! It’s been awhile since I’ve had an update. I have quite a bit started now, but it took a minute to get there. I did a little experimenting with my germination methods, and I’ve decided that from now on I’m just going to directly sow my seeds. I did a few in paper towels and a few I just planted. All of the planted seeds were above ground in 3 days or less, nice and healthy. My paper towels seeds got moldy, which was probably my fault but wouldn’t have happened if I just planted them. It also takes longer, I usually do 2 days in paper towels and it takes another 2 or 3 days to come up.

I also changed the lineup a little bit too. On to the update

I have one Lucky Louie XIII. It seems like a slow starter, but I like it’s fat little leaves

I have one White Gold from Exotic Genetics. I won a three pack on their discord, and I’ve always wanted to try their stuff, so I replaced the Raspberry Pebbles with this

Next up is two Yogis. Both were planted at the same time, one just came up faster than the other. These were the only two to survive the paper towel problem.

Now we have both Chocolate Oozie and Blueberry Diesel from @Rhai88 . I originally had 2 Chocolate Oozies but I decapitated one trying to take the shell off. Then I accidentally grabbed the wrong pack and planted the Diesels instead. I’m sure I’ve made worse mistakes lol. Oozie on the right

I also have four Kush 4 x ssdd going, these are the first ones I directly sowed and they’re way ahead of the rest.

And last I have a Blue Raspberry auto from @Going2fast . This will be my first soil grow and I think it’s going well so far. I didn’t pay attention to exactly when it came up, but it’s pretty close to 4 weeks

That’s all for now. I’ll probably wait a few weeks for another update, once it gets more interesting