Jim's ongoing OG journal

Thanks for coming through, and I appreciate the compliment. I’m looking forward to seeing how differently the Mendo Breath grows under LED compared to hps. It seems to really take off and pack on the frost and a little purple towards the end


My second one started out with all gas kinds of smells, but finished with the candy… The first one was candy and went more gassy… I’m curious how you’re will go!

Also, these arrived, cheers!!


I’m glad they made it. Thanks for letting me know


For sure man, I’ll let ya know when I pop them if you like?

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Definitely. I’d love to see someone grow them out


You bet, noted :metal:

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just found this thread waiting for the clone run update :stuck_out_tongue: like the set up simple and fun

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Thanks for taking a look, glad to see you here. I just used a modified version of this. It’s a lot to read, but it’s really simple to set up

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Day 49 flowering update

Everything is moving right along. The K deficiency in the GG4 is moving slow enough that I think I can make it to harvest without messing with my nute ratios. One of the downsides of having everything running off of a reservoir

If anyone is following this thread An envelope method of sending cuts(unrooted), potentially across the border
I still have enough supplies to send out a couple more envelopes
Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there. Have a great weekend OG


Just a quick couple of pictures of the Drunken Cherry Fog Dog almost dry. This is just the back of some fan leaves

This smells so good I’m already trying to plan out an f2 run, and maybe some crosses too if the smell passes along to the offspring

This one is at day 82 and is looking like it’s just about ready to come down. It doesn’t have the chem or cherry scent to it, but it smells good too. Probably Mexican brick weed is the best way to describe it. Not as strong as the other one, but it’s always good to have variety


Day 85 harvest Drunken Cherry Fog Dog

This one can’t decide what to smell like. I’ve gotten chem, berry, cucumber and now I think it’s finally settled on coffee being the dominant smell (it’s been drying for a few days already)

Smoke report on the first one:
This is amazing. Possibly the best thing I have ever smoked. That honor previously went to the Sour Diesel that I’m growing now, but I can’t say for sure anymore lol. Taste and smell are a super strong cherry chem d. When smoking a joint, it starts off the first few hits with the cherry taste, then it becomes a strong chem until the last hit. It’s super potent, you can feel it on the first few hits right in the eyes. I get super talkative for about a half an hour, and then I can decide between daydreaming or napping. This plant has me wanting to cross it to a photo just so I can take a clone of it. I’m starting to seriously look for a chem d clone to cross it with, that’s the chem profile that I taste in this one. Seriously nice job on this one @darkillusion


I’ve went into every grow for the last few years planning on flowering everything for a minimum of 12 weeks. I always see people making the mistake of harvesting early, and I also probably read the comment about 2 more weeks one too many times and I maybe took it to the extreme. I’m going to begin trying to find a better harvest window on my plants, taking them a little earlier and maybe I can squeeze in another grow every year.

Day 56 flower update

Everything I’ve read online says to take GG4 between 65 and 70 days, and I think that’s what I’m going to do with this one. 9-10 weeks is going to feel extremely early for me, but I think I’ll be okay lol

The Sour Diesel seems to be maturing the fastest, I think I might take it down next weekend if it doesn’t pop out too many white hairs

Mother’s Hashplant looks like it might take the longest, only going by the amount of white hairs still. It’s definitely going to yield the most on this run

Mendo Breath is starting to look good, the camera doesn’t do it justice. It’s starting to purple, and the frost is so thick it looks like an exotic genetics promo shot lol

And finally we have Kush Mints. I think I might be able to take this one in a week or two also. I can’t wait, this is my favorite driving weed lol

Have a great weekend OG!


Hey man the buds look amazin!
I have a question for you, you’ve grown alot of these stains.

I just grew a wookie cross, and while it is definitely fire, it just didnt yield like I was hoping. I want to pop some bodhi seeds, or really any seeds from GLG that yield real well, I want chunky buds that are good. I have a pack of strawberry temple’s, and from your pictures it looks chunky. What was your final opinion on that one?

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I thought it was pretty good, not the best that I’ve had from Bodhi as far as potency. I think if you grow for terps it’s the way to go, I didn’t have one that had a bad smell. I’m glad that I grew it, but I don’t think I would grow it again if that makes any sense. Another one that I really enjoyed that yielded very well and all the plants were potent and smelled good was the Babylon Buster. It was a freebie for a long time at GLG so I’m sure there’s some packs floating around. I hope this helps


Both the GG4 & Sour Diesel look incredible!


Thanks Jim!

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Thanks, man! I’m looking forward to both of them

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I’m looking forward to seeing what you grow next

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i have taken my gg4 11 weeks for the last 4 or 5 years i have taken it down 9 and 10 before but it just didnt have the balance i liked was always to spacey

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I’m going to have to leave some of it until 11 weeks for the seeds to mature, it will be interesting to see the difference