Jim's ongoing OG journal

Thanks, man. That’s actually not a workbench, it is the setup lol. I just need to clean it up a little before they get much bigger


Sorry, “workbench” was the wrong word, meant “grow bench” :grin:,same idea :grin:.

They look awesome man!! Love the grow being off the ground too, makes trimming that much easier on the back :grin:


Hey, OG! I hope everyone’s garden is growing well

First up are the Yogis. These are not growing well. I repotted the bigger one to get a look at the roots and they were pretty brown and slimy. I’m assuming the small one is the same. I didn’t think I kept them overly moist, but I guess I did. I’m keeping the new coco in the bigger pot dry to try to remove some of the moisture from the roots, but it’s still heavy after a few days. I’ll keep them going until I flip the lights and if they haven’t grown out of it, then I’ll trash them. I’m glad to know the problem is me and not the strain. I guess it’s just a coincidence that these were the two that I messed up on. I’m still liking how close the nodes are on the bigger one, so I’m hoping for the best

Next up is the Chocolate Oozie. This one already has a preflower and it’s looking to be male. I’m going to let it go until it’s clearer. I really like the looks of this plant. Maybe it’s the Sour Diesel talking, but I feel like if a 1940s architect designed a plant this is what it would look like lol

Both Blueberry Diesels are growing well. It looks like two different phenos, so hopefully both are females

White Gold is growing like a champ. I can’t believe this isn’t even three weeks old yet. I went ahead and uppotted it while I was in there

Lucky Louie XIII is doing great as well. I’ll be topping it within the next few days

The taller two Kush 4 x Ssdd. One of these is showing female already. The two main branches after topping carried over the four finger leaf trait. It’s only on these taller two plants

The shorter two Kush 4 x Ssdd. The first one is showing male

And well into the flower stretch, the Blue Raspberry auto. It’s still water only at about week 6. I’ll probably top dress in 2 or 3 weeks unless it looks like it needs it earlier

I’m also rooting a cut of my Mother’s Hashplant. I was going to try to reverse it and make a few fem seeds to pass around. My last attempt at making fem seeds was a failure, but the plant reversed. I was just impatient in trying to open the pollen sacks. That was the plan until I was scoping the Kush 4 x Ssdd plants looking for preflowers. The one that is showing male is covered in trichomes under magnification. None of the others have any and this one has a lot. Any opinions on this “problem” would be greatly appreciated

Have a great weekend OG!


Everything is looking great :slightly_smiling_face: …there were reports that the Lucky Louie XIII line is prone to herming so you may want to watch out for that.


Thanks for the heads up. I’ve only been able to find one grow report, and I think he said 3 out of 5 of his hermed. I never know what to think when I only see one report, it may have been grower error. But Cannaventure no longer carries this strain on their site so it makes me wonder. This plant will definitely stay towards the front for easier monitoring. It’s too bad, this is the one I’m looking forward to the most on this run


You’ve got a lot going, looking good man!

I saw this comment about the roots, you might consider adding Hygrozyme to your regimen, it’s what I attribute to some nice healthy roots even when stuff is in small containers. I’d think especially in coco because in soil the microbes are producing the same enzymes to a degree, but I still like to add an extra boost at times


Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve thought about adding Hygrozyme before, but I don’t usually have any problems unless I’m not paying as much attention as I should. I have room for 6 plants so of course I have 11 going lol. I just watered incorrectly

I didn’t realize you were in coco too. I follow so many grow journals that I can’t always remember who grows in what


Looks great my friend


Haven’t tried coco yet myself, soil with some organic amendments and rooted leaf nutrients here. Do you hand water or have an auto system? I was just thinking it would be especially helpful in coco since there isn’t as diverse a microbial population as soil


Thanks, man! I appreciate it


Yeah, I thought I remembered you doing Fox Farms or Promix or something.

I water both ways. I usually hand water up until the stretch is over and by then I have to do multiple waterings a day so I hook up the auto watering system


I feel this so much :rofl: Think I have a similar number going in my small tent

Told my wife when we were adopting our first cat “My limit is two cats.” We now have three cats.

The plants are looking awesome here @Jim! :v:


I swear they just fall in and plant themselves sometimes lol


That shit is expensive! :grimacing:

Oh, I get this. :joy:


Be careful man, that’s how I ended up with 8 :person_facepalming: and I’m allergic :joy:


I guess it depends how big of a grow you have, for me just growing a couple plants in a 2x4 veg tent and 2x4 flower tent the 1L bottle lasts me atleast 6 months. Got a free sample pack of their whole line in 500ml bottles too last year from a free sample program they were running. I’ve also seen great results with hyshield their chitosan product, particularly with my outdoor tomatoes and peppers dealing with some extreme heat here this summer. It’s been studied to reduce water consumption while retaining or increasing fruit biomass, aswell as increasing flavor compounds and heat levels in peppers. For the cost of the 4L bottle of that it was pretty cheap and will last me a lifetime at my current grow rate :joy:


I’m seeing both of these and I wonder if there’s a difference?


I think it’s kind of expensive in the US because they’re based out of Canada and it gets taxed hard or hit with a lot of import tax so it just seems like some sellers mark it up like crazy on Amazon. That was always my assumption


Yeah, I’d see what it costs to buy direct.

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I think canazyme is the same