Jinglepot’s Grow and Adventures

Hahaha, it’s the zen between the chaos. It’s not all peaches and cream, but we try and make the good, really good.

That’s sweet, I just smoked a bud using a magnifying glass and drinking glass to blow the mind of the pretty girl that was wasting time with me the other day. I love new neat and different ways to smoke. I’m in love with my chillum rn, let me know how this works for you I might have to make a purchase or rig something up! I get it about the 3 hole pipe, every time I’m heating up my stick my dad asks me if I’m a junky :laughing:

I still have the scars… emotional and physical :joy::joy: we used to have a pop bottle ice hooter always in the freezer beside the stove for our hot knives

Melty is good, nelty is very good, lol. :drooling_face:


Yea the chillum is a great way to go, ends up being better for a group sesh though, and I can never get enough of the homies up to the hill here to get a proper chillum session going so mine end up sitting unused :slightly_frowning_face:


Hahahaha, ive tried to include my dad and my bro, they get 1 or 2 hits and tap out, I end up smoking it for an hour by myself


Never owned one it’s like a party pipe how much weed does it hold?

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They have different sizes, I usually pack about 2 fatties worth, then a large amount of hash, then enough of a green screen to cover. I could probably fit an eighth in mine if I packed her though

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Kind of like a party pipe, but I feel there is too much history and spiritual attachment to chillums to be coined a “party pipe”


But you need a larger group to get the full effects .

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I guess its been windy all night while I was at work. Debris everywhere. It’s a nice morning minus the wind. A bunch of my plantsblew straight sideways. I’ve got them staked up now, time for sleep, lol :crossed_fingers:


Bummer JIngles! Same thing here, oddball winds all week beating hell out of my young plants. I staked em but the constant thrashing chafed the branches and the dry airflow sucked the moisture right out of the fan leaves.

They’ll recover but this is a sorry start to the summer outdoor grow! :cry:


Yeah, sustained 50mph winds all night, no wid burn, it was cool and moist and that helped a bit. I ended up woth Flatened Franky Fems :laughing: they are all well recovered now though


These Copa “The Maine Events” are beasts. I’ve never seen such fat stalks , especially this early. They are outgrowing everything else save for my outdoor LPC, but that plant is 3 weeks older, lol


Out friggin standing


before you know it they will be tree trunks. they thrive and eat feed em well, so they get to be the real big trees you wanted to grow. :wink:.


eMOtionallllll DAMAgeeee :expressionless::gun:
get a jeep they said… it’ll be fun they said… :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::neutral_face:


Lmfao my kid watches that guy on YouTube :laughing:

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I truely understand it right now :rofl:

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Finally, some grow room progress!
Should have been finished weeks ago, but my foot had other plans :laughing:



Dam nice big enough you could dance in there.
Once your foots better.


Haha, I did a jig… foots well enough, still hurts, but it doesn’t impede me much. Split and stacked a cord of firewood, did my jeep hub/ujoint, and made decent progress on my grow room. Most productive day ive had in a long time