Jinglepot’s Grow and Adventures

Nice room…great job on that @Jinglepot. Looks like a lab.

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your are making quite some progess, nice room i wished i had that much space availibile. :smiley:

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The outdoors

The 4 “The Maine Events” I believe 1 male and 3 females, still not quite positive on a couple

The Frankensteins Daughter and 2 quick Skunks are yellowing a bit, im gonna let them dry out a bit and give them a root feeding

Group shot and the now turning sick yellow plant


I’ve gotta crunch some numbers and dates, but I think im going to start my next set of seeds, I HAVE to run some Romulan. I may pop a few SLH seeds to go along side them, ill keep them small and flip for a quick bud run, with the ultimate goal to make room for my PBB run, I may run the PBB at the same time, but it has to be staggered away from the Holy Crack. I’m not set up with my pollen filters right now, I don’t have the time to rebuild the setup and dont want any cross-pollination.

I’ll probably flip the Holy Crack near the end of the month, which will give me approximately 2 months before I flip the roms, slh, and pbb. Depending on space, I may take the PBB a little longer as I want to breed to make more seeds and take clones from the PBB for a true hunt. I may be over extending a bit, but hey… what else is new :laughing:

I’ve got this newly half renovated grow space that is screaming at me to be filled, lol


@CADMAN I haven’t forgotten about you pal! If you still want in on this PBB search I’d be glad to have you along. Life just kinda set my timeliness back a little, I’m all about the follow through though!


No worries :+1: I’d be glad to come along for the ride. PBB sounds so tasty :yum: :heart_eyes: @Jinglepot DM when ready.

Just out with the fam for a drive.

I need some property to grow :weary:


That looks like a really beautiful area, enjoy the drive! Soon pal!


When i was digging my 3’x3’x3’ hole for my “The Main Event” large plant go grow, I was surprised to find nothing but really nice soft sand starting 1’ down and who knows how deep… more than 3’ deep at least. That’s awesome for drainage and the roots. I’m going to fill the hole with Promix HP, compost and perlite.

The chosen plant “The Maine Event”


I’m on a sandy hill. As long as you give it some good amendments, it grows great in it.


My compost mix is 1/2 kitchen scraps compost and the other half is pulled from a pile of mixed aged chicken/turkey/horse manure riddled woth big earthworms, she should have plenty of what she needs :grin:


These “The Maine Events” are just monsters. Insane growth. At 6 weeks veg, they are almost 4’ tall with lateral branches up to 18". All 9 blade leaves except one 11 blade leaf I found. I think I’ve chosen the female to be “The Main Event” at our place. Lol our Main Event is “The Maine Event” (strain) :laughing: I think im delirious… need sleep, here she is!


i bet they will become monsters under your care! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:
looking forward to see them grown out!!


20 Romulan and 14 Peanut Butter Breath started!

Goal is to flower 8 of the nicest Romulan females and to a quick seed increase on the Thug Pug PBB for a larger amount to sift through on my ultimate Peanut Butter hunt


Peanut butter and bologna sandwiches. lol

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good thing you dug up a hole to see what is there to grow in. not much for her to eat in the sand, great for drainage though. filling the hole with compost and pro mix will give you a good base to start her off in.
remember that the size of the plant above the ground, is what the roots look like / are below the ground. so keep her top dressed with the compost from time to time. may even have to feed her they grow so large. it was a battle for me to keep up with her nitrogen calcium and magnesium demands during the veg. she took good to the flower bost and epsom salt into mid flower.

couple of lessons i learned when growing this tree, is that support is mandatory for a plant of this size.
because of the massive size of the plant it catches a lot of wind . when weighed down with buds and rain this plant literately pulled itself out of the pot.
if it is anchored good enough in the ground as not to pull out, then the branches will break because of the weight of the buds, rain, wind and size.
i saw your wind damaged plants last season so just wanted to give a heads up to support & net her so it does not happen late in the flower season after putting all that love and work into her.
really excited for you and this grow. can’t wait to see this tree come fall.


Lots of egg shells and chicken manuer to keep up on the nitrogen and calcium, I will also be feeding her the same feed schedule as all my potted outdoor Plants. She will want for naught, even if I have to sacrifice my indulgenses :rofl:


Shes in the ground! That was over 50 gallons of compact soil!!

On the other side if the fence, in a much smaller 20-gallon hole, is my LPC x. It’s gonna be a hot corner!


Giant leaves, and the quickest grower of the bunch… but secretly, this here is why I chose this “The Maine Event”

Doube leaf blades! So cool




Super clean room . 30 some hopefuls should be a good show.