Jinglepot’s Grow and Adventures

I DO love it here, but if I could I would live in the Kamloops area/Nicola valley. That’s my jam. The island is so special though, I can’t take away from it, I love it all


Only thing that sucks about BC is the cost of living these days. :grimacing:
And it is starting to get over populated in certain places, compared to years ago.
Other then that we live in a beautiful area. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m not sure what it’s like you in area, but my brother, I’m just about between Ottawa & Toronto, the prices here are bad, like I’m living in Toronto still kinda bad… can’t wait to move Out of Ontario honestly. I’m not from here & my wife won’t move, yet… So I’m waiting. :flushed:


100% too busy and expensive these days. We are on par with Toronto for housing proces and so overpopulated compared to 20 years ago. But I expect a huge decline in the mid future as a vast majority of people moving to the island are retirees from Vancouver


All caught up here.
Your area looks beautiful! Sounds beautiful also.
Sorry to hear about the job. I’m sure it’ll work out if it hasn’t already
Nice crosses on top of you co-op run!


It’s happened!! :sob::sob::sob: my mom always warned me. Unprotected plant exchanging. I knew I shouldn’t, but I trusted her! Now I’ve got bugs. The 'phid! How embarrassing!! Well, on to the treatment. I’ve completely stripped every fan leaf and side branch not necessary. I destroyed these plants. Stripped to the bone. There is NO WHERE for these little green sticky sweet sap sucking bastards to hide!! The plants will recover, I have faith. The aphids… hopefully the whole of them are completely eradicated. I will spray them… SOAK them, in bug-b-gone, then in a few days again with safers and a final a few days/a week after with pyrethrin. I will give them a really heavy watering with water, silica and b52 before and during the treatments to help strengthen and fight the mass defoliation.

If the plants were in flower I would use skim milk, and water washes, but luckily there are a couple weeks and I can just nuke the fuckers!

They look destroyed, but trust me… they will bounce back with an insane boost of vigor and growth.

As of yet, I am unable to find any bugs in my tents, I will stay vigilant.


This is actually a great reference to have on how hard you can skin these plants when you get an infestation. Sorry for your bad luck with the bugs man but thankful for the opportunity to learn, I’m actively blowing it on IPM right now, I should go spray my moms…


Hahahah I gotta post it! The Good, the Bad… and the Ugly, lol. Ive been fairly fortunate, but a moment of weakness, lol. I think I’ll get a handle on it. I really am glad I can show people how well they come back from an extreme defoliation.


Went down and sprayed literally right after I wrote that post, thanks for the motivation man


The cheese. Dried and trimmed.


Beautiful, I feel like I can smell it from here


Now that is a grower I am proud to follow, very cool brother, very cool. Sorry for your bug problem but you will get them.

The only good bug is a dead bug.


That Cheese looks detectable!! Great trim job! Look at those trichomes!

Thanks Doug, that means a lot! Trials and Tribulations eh? Starship Troopers FTW! Denise Richards :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:

Gonna have a strong finish, I can tell!


Dam right and every grower has them. I hate those fake ass growers who cherry pick their stuff and only show the good. It’s just BS. We learn the most from our troubles and you are doing a service to all others by showing such things. Grow on brother, I feel a strong finish coming on as well.


No signs of aphids on these guys. I found a couple on my solo cup plants. Will be spraying again tonight and then 1 more time with a different product on my days off next week.

The plants handled the extream defoliation/pruning like Champs. They are already bouncing back and are looking to be in great shape for the flip. All colas and no larf, lol


Another good soak… I’ll let them recover for 5 days, then one last spray. Then wait a few days amd give them a really good wash with fresh water then flip! It’s coming quick!


Whered you get those cages???


Those are just sold as tomato cages @Grease_Monkey . I love them because they fold down flat.


I stole them from my moms garden! Lol, Canadian tire and home depot have em. Like @Rhino_buddy said, theu fold flat and are awesome for storage… great for tyi h off to for lst and spacing. I just bought 7 gallon pots they fit snugly around too


I’ll have to go find one… the look like they’d fit perfect in the 2x2