Jinxproof 9lbs hammer grow log

:+1: Will do!

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Just waiting for this raspberry beret to dry up then I will move these into that tent, had a little test nug last night… Was great!


9lbs hammer update using green rush organic nutrients. After a battle with thrip the plants are doing great.


Nice recovery! I’ve run a bunch of jinxproofs gear Including this one, always great results


3weeks of flower, plants are looking good and still no sign of thrips😀


Those are looking like 9lbs of goodness. Sending positives your way my dude.


@matos420 I was wondering how this grow turned out. I have been interested in 9lb hammer since I heard about it when it first came out.


Im going to have to go through my photos to update this post , i remember having one frosty low yeilder one fairly stretchy plant that couldn’t hold up its own weight and one plant that had super strong limbs with huge colas , unfortunately the fuckin trips were and issues till harvest , i had tbem under control but every time i raised the humidity would come back ,this grow was probably one of the most painful grows for me i was basically fighting thrips from seedling .
Overall the super frosty plant had super strong munch and sleep effects with sweet lemon terps but i wasn’t over impressed with the other plants.


What a pita fighting thrips the whole grow. Hope you got them under control and haven’t had to deal with them again. Thanks for letting me know how this grow went.

I haven’t seen one for quite a while ,safe say save im past that lol , the worst part was the fact i got the fuckin thrips from some clones that i aquired from a friend :-1:

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