Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Good morning! And Happy Holidays as well!

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Agree whole heartedly!

In fact many microbe concentrates will in fact recommend adding the microbes to the molasses and water, stir it up and let ‘activate’ for 24 hours before using.

Your microbes produce tremendous (and varied) organic acids…they’re all good, and if anything is credited with the resulting flavor nuances, it is indeed because of theincreased microbe activity…


Nice tree gotta get ours up soon not many sleeps left.

@BudBusterPro . So If I build my own soil (I plan to in the Spring) It wouldn’t hurt to mix a decent amount of sulfur free molasses into my compost and goat castings and Perlite. Possibly a month or so ahead to give the microbes a chance to build up the soil mixture before seeds even hit soil?

I wouldn’t do that. Once it starts fermenting it’ll cause mold issues. Only use it in the feeding in smaller amounts, then no issues. 1/2-3/4 tablespoon/gallon. You CAN mix it with other microbes, a day earlier to feeding to ‘let it work up a lather’ so to speak.


All of the last batch of seeds are in the envelopes and going out in the morning mail, folks.
I would appreciate letting me know as you receive them, please.


Still trying to think of just how I want to do another giveaway. I liked that last one, it went fairly smooth without all the wiki war stuff lol i have a lot more crosses of “fire” that needs to get grown. Way more than I’ll use, I’m keeping some of each for myself of course lol but there’ll still be about 8-10k to give away here.


Here’s a sneak-peek of some I’m looking at on hand;
(DBHP is the Dragon Blood Hash Plant pollen)
(PPP is the Paonia Purple Paralyzer pollen)
Lady In Red-------------------------(Frankenstein’s Bride x PPP)
Bloody Monster--------------------(Frankenstein x DBHP)
TyrannabisRex ---------------------(King Tut xPPP)
Willie’s Revenge-------------------(Willie Nelson x PPP)
Purple Rhino-------------------------(White Rhino x PPP)
BloodHound-------------------------(ChemDawg x DBHP)
Stoned Pup--------------------------(ChemDawg x PPP)
Paralyzed Monster-----------------(Frankenstein x PPP)
Rasputin’s Uncle--------------------(Skunk #1 x PPP)
Stop Lights---------------------------(Northern Lights #5 x PPP)


:ok_hand:Gotcha. See, that’s why I like this forum. If I’d just seen a video of someone saying “this works” I might have tried it.
Problem averted due to sage advice. :slight_smile:


I absolutely love the Stop Lights name! It’s perfect.


it kinda named itself lol northern lights = lights & Paralyzed = stop

So ‘Stop Lights’


I definitely belong in a circus :circus_tent:
I just gave Thnaks To Johnny on the free seed page :flushed: :sob: when I received them in the circus
So many directions my mind is in .
Sorry brother.
Thanks I did receive my my bean @JohnnyPotseed


Don’t feel bad it can get quite confusing but we’re here for ya. I’d be lost most days .

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Yes please.


I was considering doing another this month…but, lol it’s Christmas time! Everyone is busy with prepping for the big day, and so much mail already in the pipeline (aka USPS)
I’m thinking it’s better to wait until January to do the next giveaway, but it’s coming folks lol so be ready. :wink: :+1: :pray:


Have a New Year’s Eve party ! Spreading of the seeds 2022

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Ok, it’s late and the wife has a movie up for us to watch lol
I’ll cyas tomorrow folks


Have a good night Johnny.

That Bloodhound (Chemdawg X DBHP) sounds mighty tasty!!!
Mikey Likey.


I personally throw all my soil in a soil catch crate of about 275 gallons and layer in some Dr earth general organic fert (just a good “meal” package like alfalfa, fish, feather, etc) as I fill it up and water the crate once it’s full, give it about 2 weeks then I hit it with a veg recipe compost tea and let it sit and cook till I need to use it. Def agree it’s prob best not to throw a bunch of molasses in to cook with the soil but would be fine to mix 1/2-3/4 tablespoon per 2 gallons of water to water your soil with from time to time while it cooks since part of the cooking is keeping it moist and should keep the microbes momentum with plenty of sugars without overdoing it. I say per 2 gallons of water cuz my tea recipes calls for that per 1 gallon but is diluted into 2 gallon total before soil drenching