Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Yeah deff hurts a little good thing I got some good buddies I work with :sweat_smile:

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Dreaded trim jail sounds like you’ll be there a few days . Wishing you fast trimming and a bountiful harvest.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot because I get random headaches blurred vision and all that I think it’s because of the grow lights I swear


Frankenstein arrived perfectly! Can’t wait to try it🥳


I lean towards screen time. And small screen time is the worst (phone / tablet). Grow lights aren’t helping I’m sure, but I swear focusing on text on a phone all the time isn’t good either.


When I talk to my orthopedic spine specialist, I take a hand held digital recorder. I explained to him about my memory and he has no problem with me doing so. When I get home I search things out that I might have been somewhat unclear about.
He has a thick accent as well so it helps with that too.


I hardly go to the docs… But I go to the vet more often LOL. I am SO doing that next vet visit! He’ll spit out like 4 medication names and I’m all confused like was it this? that? shit I’m missing a few sylables, what was that name again… Then the GF asks what the vet said and I’m like “I dunno, but he’s on these meds for the next month”.


lol I reckon I’m just ol school in so many ways cuz. I usually have one of those pocket notebooks and ask em to spell it as I write it down, or sometimes now I break out my IPhone and enter it in the ‘notes’


LOL, for some reason “ol school” and iPhone just don’t go together for me. ROFL

The pocket notebook, I keep that for notes on the plants :wink: Then upgraded to a nice leather bound journal :smiley:


I keep clipboard hanging in every room for plant notes lol
Right by the doors.


I had thought about a clipboard per tent, but decided to wait for bigger grows before I do that. For now, the journal is nice enough it makes me wanna keep it updated :wink: Strange motivation… I know…


My wife bought the recorder. It showed its worth when we got to the pharmacy to get the meds that the hospital called in. She said that doesn’t sound right and checked the recorder. Sure enough, they called in the wrong stuff. She played the recording to the pharmacist and he got on the horn to the hospital. Problem averted.


Hey brother I get the same exact thing and yes hard to describe,at times I get so dizzy I have to hold on to something or I’ll fall over,I’m not big on doctors either so no diagnosis,the last time( couple days ago,I got so dizzy I thru up) I have no clue wtf,so I really hope you come back and share what the doc makes of it , Also sciatica pain is brutal,I’m definitely in the right place,wish everyone the best ! I don’t feel alone when I’m here for sure!


Blood pressure? Sometimes that can cause dizzyness…


It’s not a surprise to find so many of us here need this medicine for pain and tremors. My quality of life has been so much better since I began smoking. I feel like I have been missing out for so many years. Society pisses me off sometimes.


We have tricky dick to thank for most of prohibition on weed, he didn’t want people to think for themselves.

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Damn @JohnnyPotseed , have you heard of stem cell injections? They are supposed to work wonders, from what I hear. I fractured my L-1 in 2010 and had bulging discs as well. Although, my nerve pain went away. I figured the nerve pathways rerouted, since I was so young. If I still had pain though, I’d most definitely be looking into the stem cell injections.

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PM, FrankxPPP arrived safe.
Thanks for sharing!

Mine happens randomly and isn’t usually proceeded by actual light exposure. I feel like my laptop has contributed though.

See above comment lol

That’s smart. My GF was my tape recorder in this case. My memory seems fine (thankfully) but still not a bad idea anyway. I have a voice recorder app on my phone I might use next time. That’s scary about the near mishap with the meds though! Glad you caught it.

Sorry to hear it man. I don’t really have room is spinning dizziness, more like lightheaded and slightly off balance. No need to feel alone with it though, we’re all broken in some way :laughing:

Dr is basically diagnosing me with chronic fatigue syndrome, as in that’s what he’s leaning towards and without any aha moment that’s it. Sucks because it’s what I figured I had but at the same time it’s like Fibromyalgia in the sense that it’s basically a catchall for “yeah you fucked up” when they can’t narrow it down further. He prescribed something that might help (actually only because I asked about it). 4 pages of bloodwork to do, at least he’s thorough.

On a brighter note I checked the mail when I got home and had a nice Christmas card waiting for me!


Beans have landed @JohnnyPotseed !
Thank you so much!

I saw above :point_up_2: someone mentioned stem cells. I have had 6 back surgeries. 9 fused disc’s. Had 2 more Vertebrae pushing on nerves ready to blow. No more surgeries unless life threatening. But, I did do stem cell transplant. Of my own cells. (Also had them banked) , The first 5 days I couldn’t move, felt like I was hit by a truck…big truck! Lol after the 6 day… things started getting better. After 9 months, no pain! It’s been 4 years. They say it lasts about 5, I believe, in my case. It was well worth it! Insurance doesn’t cover this procedure, but worth every dollar!
Thought I would share… hope ya get a bit of relief in some way. :v::green_heart: