Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

I see a sign on I44 southbound “JP’S BnB, be ready to work…” you might never have to hit another lick. :joy:


hey @JohnnyPotseed, this you?! lmao :rofl: :thinking:


naw… too many teeth :rofl: :sunglasses:


But the hair is right?

nope there as well, lol too much on top :sunglasses: :smile:
I still have a pony tail but my hair doesn’t start for awhile on top lol I like to say I just have a loooong forehead


OK, I hope you guys are ready for an update, lol it’s been a whole two days since the last one… :rofl: :rofl:
All of the Autos are doing well, growing like hell in here, and seem to be loving my treatment. So far, so good then! :smile: There’s a couple of leaves yellowing on the bigger girls but no biggie, a little extra Nitrogen next feed is all.
First up is , of course, the 2 Pink Panama and 8 Snowryders, getting ‘old’ lol with only about a month left to their short lived grandeur. Still a lot of budding to go, but as far as I’ve researched them, that’s the way they do. So, we’ll see for ourselves!

Next is the Cinderevil, courtesy of @Mr.Sparkle , looking very nice, getting thick and sassy! With still over a month left in their life cycle…

And for your viewing pleasure next, is the Xtreme & XtremeX from @Chronickyle. I’m loving the way these are getting so damn thick and bushy also!

Also the last batch put in of more Xtreme from our mr @Chronickyle, just getting a good start for the most part, but doing it well, I’d say… some seem a bit slower, but I’m sure they’ll catch up and be just fine, healthy is the main thing far as I’m concerned…

Now for the ‘pièce de résistance’, lol, the largest group, Sour60 from dear @cannabliss !!
Starting to get buds on, and just looking very nice, and again the biggest thing in my book, healthy!

Now for the last pic of the update… I had a problem with my AC not wanting to work well and temps got up higher than I like in the vegging room over the past couple days. It slowed the germination of the seeds I had dropped a bit, but after doing what adjusting I could yesterday they’re almost all popping their tails out this morning. Tomorrow they’ll be going into the small cups I have on hand, for the first step in their journey…

Ok, that’s it good people…I hope you like what you see lol cause I sure do! :smile: :wink: :sunglasses: :+1:


Good morning my friend.

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Howdy, bud! How’s your morning?

Just fine and dandy. One more cup of coffee and out to the fields. You?

And I see my ‘brother from another mother’ is also kicking around in here! Hey there OTUG! Good morning to you, as well!


Already been ‘out to the fields’ lol now I’m back in and relaxing a bit before the work begins in earnest! :smile: :wink:

I’m getting a late start. My wife fixed B&G & sausage this morning. I couldn’t upset her by not having seconds. :wink:


Oh hell lmao I’m on my way! Sausage gravy n biscuits are one of my favorite ‘go to’ for breakfast! :rofl: :rofl:

edit… Most especially if they’re them big ol southern style ‘cathead biscuits’!!


It’s getting to be a rare thing around here. Some time ago I decided to “eat better”. I’m told I decided that, I don’t remember ever deciding to eat better. I thought I was pretty good at it already.


Morning gentlemen!! :grin:

Awesome update on those autos @JohnnyPotseed. Looking unbelievably healthy!! :grinning:


Good morning @Oldtimerunderground !
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.


Yeah, I’m pretty good at ‘eating’ also lol just not the ‘better’ part… that’s part of my problem. :smirk: I’m thinking they’re gonna try to start putting me some pills for this diabetes, next week, at a doc appt…

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Thank you cuz, I appreciate that!

The main thing in my book, has always been the health of the plant, then I worry about the size! :smile: :sunglasses: :+1:

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Thank you @MoBilly, it is now lol. A great friend of mine just dropped off a big ol’bag of some beautiful Malawi!! :star_struck:

Nothing like a good sativa to start the day!!

Hope everything is good with you too, I’m sipping some coffee and smoking one now before I head out into the jungle lol


lol Hell Yeah!

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