Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Sounds like an “End of Pandemic” Blowout could be in the works, gentlemen. And Ladies.


Hell yea. Johnny festival. I’m down. Mike and I would talk about painting. Or tell me to fire it up. Lol I’ll hit some percussion stuff. My hands won’t let me pick

I believe MoBilly had the beginning of the month in mind for his trip down here…

that’d probably be the first weekend of September? like the 3rd-5th ish?

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I started growing tobacco when I was about four years old. I’ve seen people cut their fingers and hands off and stab the polls in your neck. That was back when snakes were big. You didn’t have propane. You would use old tobacco sticks. For the fire.

What date. You can dm me if you want mo I’ll see if I’m free

I’m not real good at picking leads, but I am a good rhythm player. Tell me the chord progression and I can pretty much run with it.

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I got surgery next month. On my legs. Nothing major. Dreaming about it sounds fun. Peace

Yeah, sometime around the first weekend of next month. Whatever works for you Johnny. It’s your choice when would work best though. It’s your place and that means the timing should be your choice. Anytime after the first will work for me. My son will be done with his visit here by that time.

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You are the man.

Damn cuz… good luck with it!

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Jeez! Hope it works out for you. Surgery sucks.

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you know how it is. We worked too hard when we were too young. I got some bad blood vessels in my legs I should’ve got fixed a few years ago but I was a lot bigger not fat. I was a tank. I’m happy I am finally starting to embrace it.

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All I can say to anyone that comes here for this small event. Is we’re dirt poor old folks in a run down old place, barely livable. So be prepared to be ‘underwhelmed’! lol Bur we do love a good fun time!

and you’ll be welcomed in good fashion, and leave the same! I figure toss some Frankenstein clones and other clones at folks when they leave…


Brother, I call my place Poverty Mountain for a reason. Putting on airs if for them that worry about stuff like that. I’m sure you don’t. We don’t for sure. lol


Hey man. Being poor is not a bad thing. I grew up almost destitute. Ya learn how to cope with your situation. I’m much better off now, but still on limited income and have to watch what I’m spending, but. Lower middle class, for sure.


some nice work there buddy, id love to be siiting in the middle of that lol, very awsome good job

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When I was financially ‘up’ I didn’t act any different than I do as when I’m down. ‘I’m me’ is it, plain n simple. Acting high falutin n putting on airs is for the folks that care about such things. I sure as hell never been accused of being uppity like that! lol


I didn’t figure you were from what I’ve seen. :slight_smile:

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I get the 1000th post!! Yay me!!!


I can see this happening! My nephew and his mother are in Joplin. A couple days drive from here.

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