Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

That’s twice in a week I got the 1000th post on someone’s thread. Mine is going so slow I may never reach 1000. :slight_smile:


lol We don’t have but so many chairs (that are ‘sittable’) but there’s always room around one of my fires for company! Even if you gotta sit on the ground or a log chunk…


Well guys, it seems a neighbor has need of help finishing up milking. I’ll be back later. Have a great day y’all.


People are what life is about. Money is an unfortunate part of the environment but how much someone has is irrelevant to me. I’ve spent a good part of my life sleeping outdoors for one reason or another and if it weren’t for bugs that’s where I’d rather.

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Set up a laptop and live stream it so we can all join in!

@MoBilly ; “has need of help finishing up milking” <— Filming a Fetish movie? :laughing:


i have heard of that frankenstien and have seen your name as breeder, wow nice to meet you buddy, what a pleasure to, i know your stuff is fire, darn good looking plants there also, i happy as hell right now to meet everyone on here, so much better then that rollup site, didnt mean to jump in here but just wanted to say hello to all , still trying to figure this site out, hope i wasnt intruding or taking anything over, just trying to find my place in here lol

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All are always welcome here, until and unless they show their ass lol Welcome to OG!


Sorry lol don’t have a laptop…but, gotta phone. That’ll work!?


thank you yeah thats why i left rollup getting pretty bad there, been there for a few years but the new comers thinks they run it now, still a few old school i talk too but its gotten crazy any more, ill try to stay in place ,i love reading the forums, man can learn alot just from ready


Don’t be afraid to share any knowledge cuz! It’s all good here


ok, I’ll cyas later. Got to get going here, time’s awastin! lol


Your a good man MO. Don’t work to hard.

I seem to recall saying something like that when everybody was pulling up chairs in the AG thread. LOL

Ya don’t need no stinkin’ chairs… Got a log or two? Geez, I thought you guys were all old school, but this talk about chairs makes me think you are high class falutin and tootin peeps… LOL

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I’ve done some high falutin tootin in my time. I love Pinto beans & corn bread with some green onions and fried taters.
The falutin tootin comes after the beans.


read further that post lol I said I got log chunks and the ground

These fancy fucks and their chairs


Oh I know you would have 'em… I’d question ya if ya didn’t…

I’m talking about the high falootin and tootin people who need the chair :wink:


(mental note: keep Billy away from the fire after he eats)


Hell I had Red Beans and rice for supper last night. Of course with a big chunk of jalapeno cornbread. Yum!


Dang guys, I hate running out of likes but :green_heart: :green_heart:
I’ll stay well clear of the fire bro. I don’t want a repeat of the incident. Nuff said.