Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Has he threatened to include it in a Turducken yet? LOL

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Morning @JohnnyPotseed gotta get that bird back on his game bud. Rooster that don’t crow has surely gotta go.

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There’s a horse farm down the street. When my town finally permitted chicken coops in residential areas a few years ago, everybody got chicks. Well, nobody wants the roosters obviously, and they would toss em over the fence at the horse farm. My neighbor ran the place, and man he hated it, there were like 30 roosters on property, and ya know they love to fight other roosters. AND he had no friggen chickens / coops!


I call that .22 practice. :slight_smile:
Oh, then dinner.


In Hawaii roosters/chickens are like flipping stray cats here on the East coast. Walk up to you at 2 in the afternoon any given place and crow in your face. No shits given.


yeah a sleeping in rooster and no crowing sounds like one of a kind and therefore valuable .Especially good for some one with insomnia.

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Just got back from the barn… the seedlings had some more to be potted into small cups. Almost all are in the cups now. Had a bit of a slowdown, the AC took a crap on me the other day and temps went higher than I run. But they are still doing good, all should be into the cups by tomorrow. It slowed things down by a day at most.

Here’s a group shot of the cups… I just buy whatever is available when i go into town lol anything from 2.5 - 5 ounce is good.

The 6 Acapulco Gold are going great also. All except the front right, that one is slower and might not make it…


I just can’t get over how I even once complained about having to make time to take care of a nine plant grow… I’m softcore compared to you bro. :slight_smile:


Well, you do have a regular job also, right? That can make it hard to find the time I’d think.


I know back 20+ years ago, while I was still running two business and working also on my gorilla growing…it was a bit rough.

But, I also was usually only running around 200-300 plants
Not the 400-600 I do now

That was ALL the plants total lol mothers, clones, vegging and budding
In addition to being the only salesman (with a 100% closing rate) book-keeper, material procurer, and wearing my toolbelt every day on the sites, And in the jewelry business, also doing the bulk of the silversmithing and ALL the turquoise carving lol

btw…the main reason I had such a high rate of ‘closing sales’ was the finish line…‘Don’t pay me until you’re happy’…folks love that! It would even go into the contract. 'Pay upon Successful completion. Also I guaranteed my work for twice as long as any other contractor.


I make my own schedule (as much as possible). But when it isn’t paying work, it’s gotta be done work. Then there’s the music that I must have in my life just to help keep my soul satisfied. Then horses need caring and working… (same reason)
I set the lights to be on during dark hours so as to get more daylight hrs for other things… I’m so tired. lol
:lying_face: There’s always coffee!!!


The lighting and feeding was the main to things. i also would run the bud room lights on at night, the vegging stayed on 24hrs a day.


lol with all that you DO have a time problem cuz

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Ok lol I only came back in to refresh my coffee mug. It’s back to it now for me. I’ll catch yas later.


What he said. :slight_smile: :wave:

lol, there isn’t a pot brewing in the barn?


Technically, yes. More than just a pot. Lots of pots.


Pots and pots of pot pots…


with potted pot in them pots… :crazy_face: :+1:


potted with pot. lol

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