Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

I think this thread hit a pot hole.


Gooood Morning folks!
I got to say, I’m excited that @Sebring has picked me to do a preservation/seed run on one of his Auto strain! (ThimbleBerry) I look forward to this.
Just another to add to the list I’m doing, lol But hey, I got more room than a little bit, after I cleared out the main vegroom to turn it into another budroom! I also still have the other spare bedroom to do any isolation in for pollination. Both spare bedrooms have long ago been emptied out of all furniture, and lights hung, waiting to be used.
Naturally, the run will be documented here alongside of everything else! Looks like I might be a bit busier in the near future lol


hey there mister wow you been busy very cool to see you are doing a preservation run of thimbleberry hope to try them one day I’m gonna run the carebears I hope I do Mr. Sebring proud and make enough him the 5 new crew as tons are on there way I hope you have time to try them and I really hope they produce some fire anyway you sir are kicking ass as usual

have a great day



Good morning good morning good morning

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Very cool of you to do a preservation run on the Thimbleberry. I have tried that smoke. It is verrrry relaxing smoke. Like end of evening smoke with a shot or 2 of Captain Morgan’s Private Stock Rum.
I wanted to do a preservation run of something from Sebring, but doing my seed run for Dragonblood Hashplant, I will need to replenish my bud supply next grow. Wish I had enuff space to do like you do. Maybe not on such a large scale though. LOL


Same here: He has me for 2 runs. Fruitcup & Jillybean. So excited
:green_heart: :seedling:


lol Thnx @cannabliss I always appreciate you, and glad you could stop in. Always welcome here!

Also lol there will be time to try them. hell lol…what am I saying!? TRY? There’ll be time to run the whole damn batches!! :crazy_face: :grinning: :wink: :+1:


I saw that, @G-paS ! Congrats! I’m looking forwards to a LOT of seeds raining dow onto OG! lol


Looks like you had a busy day.

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Good Morning, OG! damn, lol I can’t believe it took me over an hour of reading to catch up on all the threads I’m following! But good reading lol
I noticed I neglected to post a final last pic of the seedlings in the last batch I dropped. But, y’all have seen the method and batches so many times lol Everyone already knows how it turned out! I put the last of them into the cups yesterday morning. I’ll get a pic this morning when I go to work and post later today.


On another note…This is 9/11 … the anniversary of 20 yrs today, of the horrific attack on us…
RIP all those who passed in it! Also, a big THANK YOU! to all the first responders involved!


Rise and shine, it’s marijuana time :rofl: good morning all. Have a good day :grin::v::call_me_hand:


Yep lol once again I hadda go kick that lazyass rooster in the butt to wake him up!

Think I might need to buy him an alarm clock!


Think I might have to do the same.

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Good morning man, I’m doing a preservation, Acapulco Gold. Glad you’re doing it too. As I’ve been following your topic, it will be easier for me. By the way, are you going to save polem? sorry if i missed it…


If there’s a male in the group, most definitely!


Hello. I was looking forward to those words. Peace my friend. Good to see ya today.

Glad to see you have made some friends. I need a roster. One love. I know you meet MO . Big Mike and Slick are good friends here. There are many. But these are my friends.

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Update time, all the seedlings are into the cups, and most of them starting to stand up nice.
Here’s the group shot.

The Auto Maria 2 is getting close to chop, I’d say about 2 more weeks.

The training I’m doing on a lot of the plants, now that I feel comfortable, is taking hold and they’re looking to turn into nice little bushes.

I left some natural just to compare timing and looks/yield.