Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

This makes me miss my Salvia Divinorum’s & Amazonian Cubensis.


Mine showed at day 16 possibly because I like to flower 11 on 13 off. :thinking:


I’m still hoping lol


I’ve heard of salvia being hallucinogenic but never tried it. I do run a tub twice a year :wink:


Most definitely GREANDAL. :pray:


Salvia is FUCKED UP and should only be used for divination purposes only.

Basically the best results come from extracts/concentrate vs raw leaf. I’d get a jug of food grade ethanol and then for example grind up 20g of dried leaf. I’d take 1 gram out and set it aside, while the other 19g soaked in the ethanol for about 24hrs. I’d strain the solids out of this liquid, and then set it aside in a pyrex pie shell bowl and then add the 1g that was set aside and mix thoroughly. This mix was then left covered in a fine mesh with fans aimed at it in a well ventilated area and wait for the ethanol to evaporate off. In the end the glass was crusted with dark green matter, which would then be carefully scrapped off with a razor blade and the resulting product collected would now be 20x the potency of the raw leaf.

Add to all this the fact that the active chemical salvinorin A needs blow-torch level heat to become accessable to us humans if smoked other wise nothing really happens. Traditionally the raw leaves were chewed like cows chew cud for some time until the chewer starts to legit “see their Gods”.

Amazonian Cubensis was the most divination enducing mushroom i ever grew. I gave some to a buddy that 1) Maintained a mushroom high for 1 month, and 2) LOVED his DMT and his reaction was great: “Dude, NEVER GIVE THIS TO ME AGAIN, I’ve tripped balls before but I’ll say it again: NEVER GIVE THOSE TO ME EVER AGAIN!

Apparently he had a “bad trip” as he was being lectured about his drug problem by his subconscious. :laughing:


I can safely say @Pigeonman that I never want to get that high. EVER!!!


I second that thought, NEVER EVER! @MoBilly @Pigeonman


Salvia D =

Minutes 0:00-1:00 = Nothing’s happening.
Minutes 1:00-15:00 = Time/Space melts, nothing is real, you’re questions start to question themselves and the answers are everywhere if you can even comprehend them.
Minutes 15:00-30:00 = You slowly grasp that you are an individual and have your own body and focus. Time still has no meaning but you are aware of space.
Minutes 30:00-45:00 = You now start to grasp time again; and have a calm freakout that the “entire day trip” has ONLY been less than an hour.
Minutes 45:00-1hr = You question and reflect what just happened cause by 1hr after you feel physically normal, but mentally you are either better off… or worse off.


Nope, I’m good thanks @Pigeonman . :laughing:


Yes I have to agree with @MoBilly @TopShelfTrees1

I enjoy a little mental freedom but I’m not into disassociative experiences. lol



:laughing: / :face_with_monocle:


Yes Sir. I don’t really think I want to be that intense of a high. Introspection is a good thing if your not in an altered state. I might run into something in there, while stoned, that I don’t want to examine.


The last time I did anything like that I was 20 and we took liquid window pane acid. Had done it 5-6 times before without fault. We had a small syringe and were instructed to drip it onto the sugar cube then swallow. I’d done it before but not made it myself. Well apparently my drip was HUGE! And I ingested way too much, at a party later the next day STILL TRIPPING BALLS, things and people started turning to gremlins, legit BAD gremlins, I was in a corner in the fetal position panicking, I got up and locked myself in the bathroom. My best friend since 9 years old, found his way in and tried to calm me. When I saw his hand on my shoulder I saw HUGE GREEN SLIMY GREMLIN HANDS! I threw him out of the second story window and almost killed him, spent the next 18-20 hours tripping balls locked in my bedroom. When I finally came around to reality I was told of my escapades…… NEVER AGAIN


Literally give me vicious anxiety thinking/talking about it. Time to smoke a fatty!


All good on divination and leaving the body… Last time I did shrooms was for a Widespread Panic show in NYC. I remember thinking everybody was dumb, what am I doing here, yadda yadda yadda. Not a very good trip, not a horror story, just not really fun anymore. Kinda felt like I lost a bit of my youth that night… Never had a bad trip, per se, but that one kinda made me think its time to move on…


Sorry bro @JohnnyPotseed . I done went and hijacked your thread again.
The guys over on the chat thread might enjoy kicking in on this convo. LOL.


THB i think he’s gonna have a good laugh at our bullshit :smiley:


Yep. You got that right. Y’all are some loose nuts.
:green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:


Like I’ve said before lol NO subject is off limits… (EXCEPT politics and religion) consider this the coffee room, hang out, toke and joke poke fun or just have fun…