Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

tag @Yetigrows !! lol ya gotta see some of the new projects now cuz
Missed you around here


Ok break over I’m going back out to the barn while, I’ll cyas in a bit…

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i finally got to germing some of the woodstock ag. I lost 2 of 5 cause shells didnt come off but the other 3 look just like yours. Look like future bamboo sticks with pot leaves. I have a feeling theyre going to get real big n tall.


Holy sheep dip you have a lot going on buddy!

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The do lost PLA as well (I print stuff in PLA, can be rather intricate). I think there’s resins available too that can do lost resin prints (not sure, only one resin printer here).

Only thing I’ve ever casted is lead scuba weights. Hated sooting the molds, and pouring for 1lb weights was a PITA. 4lb weights were much more forgiving…


Yeah… the casting end of the business was a real pain in the butt! lol I had blank mold rubber sheet nd a vulcanizing machine to make molds of something if I was gonna do it again. Just melt the wax, pour it in and let it sit a bit lol But a lot of the stuff was ‘one off’ I’d carve the wax, then mix the silicate, put carved/shaped wax in the crucible, pour in the silicate, put that on the shaker/vacuum to get all air bubbles out, then let it set to dry 24 hours, then into the kiln for awhile to melt all the wax away, leaving a one time mold in the hardened silicate. then melt and pour in the silver, then use the vacuum caster or centrifugal caster to pull the silver into all crevasses, nooks and crannies etc. then bust it out! lol
Pretty involved and easily messed up, if not careful in all stages.
So you see why, once retired, I got rid of that stuff so as to not be tempted!!
A young fella that made ‘grills’ bought it all…

But, if someone wanted a certain piece made up, and was willing to pay my price…they got it! lol


Good stuff. Thanks.

I have made fishing weights with lead. That’s a lot of lead . For what you do.

GOOOD MOOORNING OG! Damn rooster ran off, so I’m the one with the
RISE AND SHINE.FOLKS! Times awasting! :crazy_face: :wink: :grinning: :+1:

I think the rooster left cause after I kicked him in the butt yesterday, i had chicken crap all over my shoe, so wiped it off on him! Adding insult to injury … :rofl: :rofl:


DAMN! I just saw that Sebring has added the TImeWreck to the Thimbleberry for me to do preservation/seed run on… Now I’m double excited! lol


Sadly @Rabeats2093 , there hasn’t been any more developments on the eXe experiment. They still don’t show any pods… what I thought was possibly a pod forming was just another calyx. But, I’m still hoping and checking daily! There’s still time…
I just don’t seem to have any luck with reversals! I get plenty of regular seeds, using the pollen I collect from males, just nothing with any method for reversal I’ve tried to this point. Even though I follow instructions to the ‘T’. I’ll post a few pics later today.


Ok, I sprayed the eXe ‘one-n-done’ 16 days ago. Nothing, nada… I’m not giving up hope here, but it’s not looking good for the home team folks. @Rabeats2093 here’s the pics of things. The 7 survivors of the spraying are all still beat to hell looking and showing no sign of any pods… I’ll continue to monitor things but, at this moment after 16 days and no signs, I’d say ‘experiment failed’


Hey buddy! Hang in there…@JohnnyPotseed I know you will. :wink: It takes a while. I have hope for you. :grinning: It better work dammit :joy:

edit. They don’t look like they started budding yet? When they do you should see something.


I would love to try that Timewrek. It sounds like some real Wake And Bake fire!
I want to try some daytime smoke someday. I have never smoked a straight (or even strongly leaning) sativa.


Early birds. My goodness. The entire town is up. I’m late. This rooster started late.


I’m with ya on that. Even some of the sativa leaning hybrids I’ve tried slow me down way to much to be productive during the day. A good day time smoke would be the cats ass…:grin::v::call_me_hand:


Try that Durban. It’s dutched like all their stuff but it’ll give you an idea what it’s like. Next summer I should have some MDS and Oaxacan seed for y’all if you’re interested.


Oh I’m not about to just toss in the towel, lol I’m still hoping and keeping my eyes peeled…


Lol I’m always interested in Oaxacan, cuz!


I’m pretty bold saying that having never grown the real deal, I may have to eat my words. :joy: But I’m dropping them this week and going on that 6 month trip.