Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

You guys are sick. Lol


Or the LGBT2+ favourite: “Charlie and his Chocolate Factory”.

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…but we’re still happy!


Wait till they start throwing the Bukake around.

Whatever that is.


The running joke with my buddy is “Fisting Firemen 9”. It’s great when someone doesn’t know what we’re talking about and we act completely casual about it.

“I mean obviously the first 5 were classics but the director they brought in for 6-8 was just going through the motions. He thought it was all about the man sex but what made the series great was the innovation and how eager the stars were to be there”.

“Dude the scene where they were sliding down the fire pole and “the captain” was waiting at the bottom with his fist up is one of the greatest scenes in adult film history, and beautifully shot!”

You can see the discomfort on people’s faces :laughing:


Well, Tuesday started of with a bang!



BAHAHAHA! I ran an indie video store in the 90’s with a HUGE porn section. By the end of it the porn was the only thing paying the bills. We’d get an original copy for 20$, then bootleg it with dvd duplicators at 2 bucks a piece and then flipped them at $19.99. It was all cis male suits that bought them up and we were okay with taking their money.

I’d hook up local couples on movie nights when their kids were out of town in hopes of helping out their love life :laughing: (*not like: “Hey, your kids are out ya wanna free porn?” , but they didn’t get charged IF there was a “naughty” film in with their narratives :wink: )


LOL ‘sick’ doesn’t begin to describe you jokers! No ‘likes’ for any of that shit…


Hawhaw. It IS pretty sick! Sorry. @Slick1 really brings out the perversion in me.


I’m not quite sure how to feel about that statement :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :laughing:

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Well, I could not blame ME!


Figured Id show some of the outdoors grow, since I ain’t posted any pics of it in awhile.
A lot of the buds got burnt TF up! But I just pinched off the parts that were crisp/toast. They’re doing a bit better now that temps have dropped below the 100 mark lol

Some that’ve been out are almost ready to chop and others only been in the plot a couple weeks, but still plenty of warm weather to go till the Fall.

A lot are in the ground, and a lot are in different size pots. I just pretty much ‘tossed’ em out to do whatever they do. Had to make room and it’s all just going to be ‘personal’ smoke’


How come you don’t put the outside girls in the ground? Don’t the pots slow / limit some of the growth? Or is it them damn moles that keep you in pots?

edit lol. you just edited to add the part about in the ground LOL. Syncing to my brain are we??

There’s too many moles…they’ve ate up about half of what I originally put out (in the ground)
Next year I’m using large pots, like 20-30 gal totes or whatever. Plus, lol there are a lot in 6" pots from Mark on Strainly, that when I found out they weren’t true Autos, I said F’em and put em out to live or die, made no diff to me…

I’ve tried a few different things to combat the moles… Them F’ers still find ways to get in or around.
That’s why next year, you’ll see a lot different set up outdoors lol THEN, it’s on! I plan on having a nice harvest next year. This was an ‘afterthought’ to use some ground that wasn’t in use for anything, halfway through the year.


Put them in their final place from the start. 25g fabric pots get HEAVY once they have moist soil in em. I had to move 7 this summer, wont be doing that again!

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Oh yes lol i know cuz, I know… lol

I’ll probably just get some cheap totes from WallyWorld, drill some drain holes around the bottom , and go with that.




Good Morning, OG!


Morning @JohnnyPotseed another day above ground, bound to be a good one