Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

That’s the only way to look at it cuz!


Morning you early bird nuts. I’m amongst you this morning and I’m not a fan of this hour :laughing:


Two things I can rely on around 5:30, my toddler having a full blown dump in her pants that needs work. And @JohnnyPotseed being awake in his barn with that lazy ass rooster. Makes for a fun morning routine


Usually at 5:30 the only thing I have to contend with is another hour and a half of sleep :laughing:

Figures the day I need to drive 2 and a half hours each way to look at a truck is the random day I wake up at 5 and can’t get back to sleep :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. It was gonna be a long one anyway but now it’s gonna be a slog.


I already went out to the barn and back now lol


You are just like my husband was. He had a days work done before he brought my coffee in am. (This is after we retired.)

:green_heart: :seedling:


I DO take the wife her morning coffee and a joint to wake up by lol


My wife and I are both up early but we each do our own thing until it takes effect.

I can identify with the lazy rooster. Waking up when I want to is a privilege I’ve earned. It still happens at unnatural hours though. :joy:


yep lol old habits die hard


Not having to makes a world of difference. The early morning is the best time of day to get things done. Waking up before dawn is pleasant if you don’t have a 2 Hour Dr. to an airport or 1/2 mile of someone else’s ditch to dig in front of you.


Woke up at 7am, sprayed STS, went back to bed until 7:55am to put them back in at lights out, then went back to bed for 9am.

I need whatever you’re taking to be awake in the am’s!


My morning was unpleasant but it turned out ok. Storms last night thrashed my big outdoor girls. Half the branches were on the ground. 5am-7am triage 10ft of plant tape and I don’t think I’ve lost one🤞

They’re so close to ready I forgot myself and was furious for about ten minutes. lol By the time I was done my eyes were watering from the strength of the and I had to smile. If I chopped today I’d be ok with it but they’re not done.


You can see why I was upset…lol


Damn right…all I can say is OUCH and hope your triage works!


In Hope’s all turns out well. , your scarring me now , its storming here and I’m at work & cant check my outside girl !


The big one was awful but nothing totally separated. I shoulda taken a cue from Meesh and built frames I guess.

This is after trussing, I didn’t have time or light enough to take pictures when I found them.

Next year will be different! :joy:


I think thats the one benefit of not training em / topping em, and letting em grow naturally. They deal with storms a little better. My outside ladies, although nowhere near as gorgeous and full as yours, have fared well thru two high wind storms that came thru here with Ida and Henri. Yield wont be anywhere near yours, but I’ve also virtually ignored them all summer… Kinda like Johnny’s outside ladies…


Never gown outside but as much as I like training I wouldn’t bother. I mostly do it to save space anyway.


Oh man, yield can go drastically up as you can see. My ladies look nowhere near that full. But other than look at them and spread some DE and coffee grounds for slugs, I aint watered em nor fertilized em (just got em in great dirt in 25g fabric pots). Yes, some might call that abuse… But they will give me some sun ripened goodness, and there’s something about outdoor buds vs indoor buds, I swear. I remember some giant colas in college… And a monster sativa that I just kept having to tie down (a bright green christmas tree shaped leafy plant thats 12’ tall in the fall is just way outta place). She yielded pounds. lol…


It’s not the first torrent they’ve seen but they have put on so much weight the last two weeks the addition of water was too much with the wind. Those big lowers on the left plant weighed a pound apiece when they were soaking wet. I was a little bit nervous picking them up.

I can’t complain but sometimes I still do as the song goes :notes:

If they get some good sun today they’ll be fine.