Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Welp, I fucked up!
Guess I got careless with the pollen containment.
The beautiful Bloody Monster is clearly pollinated and throwing nanners left and right! :grimacing:
She’s four or five weeks into flower and smells just lovely. But, I’m seriously contemplating a full stop. I can’t recall ever actually abandoning a grow. But I don’t have the will or the time to be scouring for them and plucking every night.
So I’m looking for some guidance.

Are nanners a result of something else? Because a pollinated plant doesn’t generally throw them, correct?
Nanners will drop pollen with hermaphrodite tendencies, correct?
Should a scrap everything for a full decontamination?
A UVC sanitization bulb will kill all pollen, correct?

I welcome ALL input on the matter!

Maybe the last pictures of this lovely beast. :confused:
