Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Hey look! This shit also reversed a full wallet! :joy:


And from what I understand, it doesn’t work all that well. I have had success with home made colloidal silver. Better success with STS. I would go straight for the STS, if it were me.


Helps to read… whoops.

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I’ve been actually thinking about making a superconcentrated mix from my stock solution someday. Then seeing if I could mimic a one-n-done final solution. I’m sure I’ll be killing some plants in the process, so this experiment is on the back burner, lol. Someday.

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All of our homegrown should be better than dispensary weed! The sheer volume of weight guarantees it isn’t handled as well. Most stuff is machine trimmed, hence cookie based genetics. Lab tests also only allow a certain amount of moisture in the product


Yes I have not bought it, super expensive. Not even sure how many plants it’ll do, it says three plants but I’m not sure how big of the plant supposed to be. A couple of members on the Forum here have tried it, they said it works

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Omega Genetix also has 2oz set up about half the price of EliteXElite. Been looking into maybe using STS and Colloidal Silver, both same time.

The eXe I tried, limited success
But use both, alternating of course, maybe might do a job on em… lol


I am anxious to make and try some of the STS. The colloidal silver takes up way too much of your time. I’ve had some strains have to be sprayed for up to 6 weeks every day that’s dedication. From what I understand the STS is a lot less time consuming.

There’s a link to the recipe made here on OG, I tried it, but again, limited success
but I think it was due to using the Penta not Anhydrous, and got wrong ratios
My attempt was posted here in the circus thread, back in part 1

I have better luck collecting and using natural male pollen lol

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I used silver nitrate anhydrous to make the @Sebring recipe. I think I was maybe 40-$50 in cost with the ingredients. But not I have more Silver Thiosulfate than I could use in a lifetime, lol.


That’s the recipe I used also. I also tried the Colloidal Silver solution by some company, I don’t remember, also the eXe solution… like I said, not a total flop on any of em,but not the kind of success I wanted. Why I’m thinking of trying both in alternate on same plant!

That’s IF/WHEN I get around to it, maybe lol

I’d post the try here, of course!

The CS I used a couple times was made using my home made CS generator. I left it generating for about two days. It worked well. But very time consuming. You really need to spray at the very least, once A day for a couple weeks. It is suggested twice a day. I concur.
The STS was given to me by an anonymous member here. Once every five days is what I did. Worked like a charm and did not seem to bother the plants too much.


There have been a few members that gifted the ingredients for STS to others here. Very generous of them.


I concur that this is mostly what I’m hearing from members.

My exposure to dispo weed is limited. I have friends who sadly have a lot of exposure to it. No question it gets them stoned. The complaint is not for very long.


I’m gonna call it a done day, folks. I’ll see all of you grand denizens of the OGniverse in the light of a new day!

Good Night OG!


Goodnight bud! :green_heart:🪶

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I’m headed that way too. Good night all.

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Goodnight! @MoBilly :fist:t3::facepunch:t3:🪶 :green_heart:

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Night bro.

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