Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Night fella’s!
I’m gonna push it a while longer. :slightly_smiling_face:



I’m curious !

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I wouldn’t trust that.
You need silver nitrate and sodium thiosulfate to make your own with distilled water. Someone else pre-mixing granules seems sketchy to me.

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Oh well.

I’ll see if it works so far he has a lot of good reviews and seems legit. I’ll get back to u guys because I’m already on my second spray. The solution looks the same as the premade one

Should of asked but I just joined OG. Darn it

Oh, he’s selling premade solution.
Making a grip I’m sure! Lol
I made almost a liter of stock solution for less than $50.
To put that into perspective, 50ml of it makes 500ml of finished solution. :wink:


That’s cool ! Good for you I guess lol but yeah I’m able to make 50x 300ml bottles.

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Well like they say,
When something seems to good to be true…


Honestly … there’s nothing too good to be true about that dude. It’s just tedious to combine chemicals. I watched the video and it’s the same exact thing. You’re just putting my idea down without any sort of concrete evidence that it won’t work. Anyways … you have a good one.

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You too. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Wow, really?
I’m not trolling you bud. I was only trying to help.
Everthing I have said is sincere, and without the slightest hint of sarcasm. I’m sorry that you choose to feel offended. But, that’s on you.
Get outta here with you’re nonsense.


You may really benefit from the use of OG’s search feature if you believe a member is a troll. I can assure you @blowdout2269 is not.

Keep this in mind!

Good advice is good advice. You asked for it. It was given. Some of us have spent tons of money on just OK products over the years. Not to mention the duds.

Please play nice on Johnny’s thread. This is not a place for B.S. We all enjoy it here for multiple reasons.

Have a great early morning! I’m going back to playing in the Longhouse! :grinning: :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3::feather::feather: :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart:


What’s the Longhouse?
Lol, yes I’m confused as usual. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Gotcha ! Thanks. Maybe text just doesn’t get the message across correctly at times, I’ll keep in mind a lot of people are from different places and different ages. It did come across confusing. Oh well !


My thread bro! You been in there, right?

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Oh now I feel like an ass. :neutral_face:
How tf have I missed that! Ok, well 305 posts…
Give me a day to catch up, aye? :joy:

It’s all good @SubzeroIceKold. Tone over text is always a mess. :+1:


Let’s squash it. I’m sorry about what I said. You clearly have earned your stripes and I’m nobody to come in here guns blazing. This is not reddit where I’m used to having mean replies.


Definitely not reddit. People here are genuinely out to help each other and make friends. This community prides itself in being absolutely unlike any other. We’re glad to have ya btw. :slightly_smiling_face:
Water under the bridge my friend.


I really really really hope this STS works. Or else I’m fucked. I have my last two galaxy brain seeds by night owl. I trust eBay though I read the guys description and he said he was a chemist blah blah blah and there was no complaints really

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Text can be a mess at times! :laughing: @SubzeroIceKold I hope I didn’t come off condescending or rude. @blowdout2269 is a good dude. I haven’t seen any ill will or anything other than helpfulness from the guy! I really dig most people here. Also you can rest assured if it’s advice given on this thread, it’s given with sincere, helpful intentions. Nice to meet ya! @SubzeroIceKold :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:🪶🪶