Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

lol I know it’s only 2 days since I last posted pics of the SHE BEAST, but damn, she just keeps on getting bigger by the day! I’m looking forward to trimming her back (hard!) after the first part of the week. Once I get the cuttings out to folks that wanted em, then she gets a thorough trim job, lol. I’m talking thinned down to almost ‘lollipop’. Some of her leaves are starting to suffer a bit.

After the hard thinning I’ll do, give her 2-3 weeks to recover and then it’s flip-time! We’ll post pics of the bud growth and also the pollination done on parts of her, of course!

The majority of the lower growth will be gone!


She’s a beast brother. Got some mail heading your way this weekend. Also, had a grower running my Blue Kush and he ran some tests with some pretty good results.


That’s good news brother, on both fronts! Thnx



Nice results Doug!

Man it’s been a long week fellas, may even sleep in a bit tomorrow.

Is this weekend y’all’s get together? Thats gonna be fun. What have one buddy that I met thru online forums. Other than sharing weed, we also go fishing sometimes. Been so f’ ing hot this summer I haven’t even been fishing since spring.

Good evening all


It is indeed, cuz. Every one of us is looking forward to it also! Rose is looking forward to having other women around to chat with also! lol


Yawl enjoy. Nothing like good time with friends.


My trimmer makes short work of smalls :+1:

Well, the time has come around again, good people of the OGniverse. Cyas tomorrow.

Good Night OG!


Goodnight bud! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3: 🪶🪶

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Good Morning OG!
lol I wake up, come online, hit one like and get this!


I know wild animals gotta eat, lol but the coyotes around here are sometimes a bit much! If folks know how these slick shits hunt… they’ll send one or two around behind their intended prey to ‘drive’ it towards the rest of the pack, waiting in silence. With a lot of yipping and yelping, until the prey falls into the middle of the pack, which jumps em and the whole pack has dinner! Pretty slick, but damn it, lol do they have to do it right outside my property? Last night’s ‘hunt’ was around 2AM, I know this because it woke me up!
I have seen them sitting outside our fenceline teasing our dogs. In an attempt to get em to jump the fence and come after em…an invitation to dinner, basically. Or rather, an invitation to become dinner!


We have them around here too @JohnnyPotseed quite the sound to hear in the middle of the night.

Good morning Johnny!

Good morning OG!


IKR? lol They can sure raise a ruckus! We let our 2 Rotties & 1 pit-weiler out one last run for bathroom, right around 12, before going to bed for the night.Have had to bring em back inside because they were so vociferous! Also, we were worried ours just might go over the fence at em.
One coyote, or two, will sit out in plain sight, making noises to get the dogs attention. I know the rest of the pack is hiding, silent, waiting!


When the wife hears then she starts whining about the poor deer, but I remind her urge yotes gotta eat too.

We live out in the county but I rest coyotes also venture into urban areas


I believe I’ve read news stories of em, and wolves too, in New York City Central Park?

Also, a lot of deer around our place.


i had a coyote run through the condo complex a few months back, first time ive ever seen one. it jumped my neighbors back gate(6’ high) and when i looked down at him he freaked out, jumped the fence again ran through the court yard and over an 8’ metal fence. was pretty cool to see in such a populated city.


Hey, they gotta go somewhere. As we encroach on all their natural habitats. I can understand that. some animals are getting bolder as time goes by with nowhere to hunt/live. They come right into what we like to consider ‘ours’ lol
Scavengers and predators alike…


that is for sure, they were here long before us. we have just destroyed and taken everything we can from everywhere we can reach.


Old line from some movie… ‘if there’s a river, we’ll dam it… if there’s a tree, we’ll ram it… it’s called progress, man’ Kevin Costner and Jon Voight