Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Damn brother, ya can’t help but like someone that stays outta likes… :scream: so here’s some morning likes with yer coffee & doobie :heart: :heart: :heart:

I hope that made some semblance of an understandable & cohesive statement!

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lol Really, I’m surprised that I’m not out already!

Just getting settled in for a little more trimming before I greet the sun! Test smoke on the ICP is surprisingly pleasant! It’s got a spicy floral perfume taste with a fuel finish. Gonna cure well I think. :smiley:

Yeah brother you’re usually at the 5 minute warning at least as soon as you get on here! :joy:


Looking good there, the frost is starting to show. Once full cured and the trichs have a chance to completely dry, it should be nice and frost covered!

I’ll check in on her in about a month to see what’s up. It’s got that combo feel to it. Sticky and Sandy/hashy. For a plant I was mad at the whole grow I’m satisfied! :joy:

lol kinda like Plant’s Revenge, huh? ‘Oh, ya don’t like me? well try this!’

Exactly! :joy: I love being proven wrong in these instances! :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart: 🪶
Starting tomorrow evening we’re gonna see about filling up that 8 tray! It’s time for a few to come down! I think the Pineapples are getting the chop. Surprises inside are ready I believe. Gonna do a check but I’m pretty sure! :wink:

I gotta head out to the barn to do a chop on a couple this morning, myself! lol Cutting down the two tall gals. both TriForce. I hit one with Paonia Purple Paralyzer, and the other with Frosted Cobra
Think ‘Paralyzed Force’ lol


Nice! I hope they yield well for you! :facepunch:t3:
I’m gonna do an update on that Frankie x FC pheno I have. She’s just wild! I don’t know what she’ll smoke like but I’ve decided to take a few cuts. She’s very interesting.


On these two lanky gals, there’s not going to be much smoke left at all! They both are packed buds… of seeds! lol
The timing was perfect for getting mature seeds but not much buddage.

I like it! Better than tripleplegic! :joy:


That’s the yield I’m talking about! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Or ‘Purple Force’?

Forced paralyzer? :joy:

I’m sorry to butt in but this was funny. I spit out my water a little on my bed. Goodnight y’all it’s 4am haven’t been able to sleep.

Night buddy! Always nice to go out on a laugh! :joy:

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Oh Oh…now ya asking for the slick1 to get going! lol
But really, I wasn’t concerned too much about getting buddage. We have plenty to smoke, and been growing in ‘perpetual harvest mode’ for well over 25 yrs now lol so plenty more smoke coming for us.

Actually, thinking about it… the Perpetual Harvest has been going for 40yrs now.

edit… It got started when I first moved from outdoors to indoors in the winter of '83-'84

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I feel ya! My stash is starting to shape up nicely as well! This means more play and experimenting time! :partying_face:
I’m still kinda in awe that I have 3 males in a tub… in the spare bathroom… on purpose! :joy: I don’t know what I’m doin over here! :joy:

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lol that statement, without the accompanying context, really looks bad, brother! :joy: :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1:

Hey! @Slick1 ain’t here yet! lol So I gotta ‘fill in’ for him!


Please visit Lots of Love in The Longhouse for context y’all! :joy: I’m not sure my threads name helps in this situation! :rofl:

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