Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Good morning everyone.


Good morning everybody. Almost Friday!!

My night was mizzzrible.

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No like for thatun, brother! Hate to hear it, sounds like we slept(?) pretty similar… I only had to sit up on side of bed 3 times in 4 hrs lol

But, I did manage to doze off a couple times!

Pain was bad. I couldn’t get comfortable. So I’m tired as hell but still can’t sleep.

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I know ya gotta get odds n ends of chores done too… you gonna be dragging ass before end of day. Sorry to hear it.

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I gotta say, it’s unreal how much difference this scooter has made. I can ride it from the living room, out the back door down the ramp to the barn, and pull into the front hall of the barn… without falling or hurting myself. Which in turn, conserved my energy for taking back up the few small chores in the barn that Rose has shouldered for the past 2yrs! I was able to mix nutes & water/feed both rooms, mix up the(preventative measures) ‘one-n-done’ MTA and spray/drench the plants in both rooms (except the budding ones close to harvest) and pot up some seedlings. Sure, I hadda sit down several times and smoke a bit… but DAMN, it felt good to be doing more than watch Rose do it all!


That post made me smile brother. Yep, I’ll bet it is lifting your spirit.


lol Not only my spirits brother… Rose is glad I’ve taken back up what were always MY chores in tending the plants. She does aplenty round here, without having to shoulder my stuff too! Such a trooper that gal is!

Before the scooter, by the time I was able to get out to the barn,if I didn’t fall or hurt myself just getting there, I couldn’t do much more than sit and watch her do it all…


The right helpmate makes all the difference in living through this world.


I gotta new motto… ‘HAVE SCOOT, WILL TRAVEL’! :scream: :rofl: :rofl: :heart: :+1:
Had to use that old TV Western series, Paladin’s motto! lol


Hell yeah bro. My sister in Boston uses one of those. They are so much more than just a wheelchair with a motor. It’s been a life changer for her.
Glad it’s working out for you.


lol I came back in and ate 4 cold fried chicken legs. Bad munchies from getting a good buzz on out in the barn!! But I’m not hurting any more than usual. Rose is super happy I’m showing more interest in things now, and able to do something about it!


I still say I have a real good 20 hp Briggs and some monster tires that might fit. You can go off road!


This thing goes through the grass and sand here like it ain’t nothing, brother. lol I just turn the dial up further and it doesn’t bog down. Ain’t no concrete sidewalks or driveway anywhere on this property!
All just gravel, grass and sand


Awesome! But what about stump jumping! Mud bogging! You know, fun stuff.


:rofl: :scream: :rofl: :crazy_face: :wink: I think I’ll pass on those activities, my friend! But it does go over the roots around here too. lol
Like I said, this damn thing has wheelie bars/tiny wheels on the back to keep it from standing on it ass! Which it WILL do!


See. I knew you still had it in you. lol


Glad to hear that super scoot is doing the trick! If @MoBilly throws in a roll cage will you go for the other upgrades? @JohnnyPotseed :wink:

Good morning Y’all! :facepunch:t3::fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3: 🪶🪶


Your son is a rock star for getting that for you man. You must have done something right in their raising.