Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

:scream: :thinking: :rofl: :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1:I think I’ll still pass on them, brother! :wink:
Good morning to ya.


We went damn near broke getting it our self. But it was brand new, with new batteries, and the price was damn tight. He knew it hurt us to get it, so without asking, he just dropped the money back into our account. Even though he didn’t have to for me to have it. Good man, indeed!
The old gal that it had originally been bought for, rode it twice, ran into the wall …twice! She said the hell with this, and never rode it again. She latr fell down some stairs breaking her back and both legs. Sorry for her on that! But, it sat for over 2 years gathering dust, he bought two new batteries for it cause the others were toast. Advertised it for less than half the cost new…


Makes a man feel down right pleased with life when his kid does something like that. Too few know how it feels.


Kinda restores faith in humanity a little.
Is that P jr?
He’s a good man.


Naw it was the middle son. All 3 volunteered to reimburse us though.


Well, I’ve got some stuff to do so I’ll BBL.


btw lol I’m the ‘Jr’ he’s the ‘lll’


Zee was wondering why the VA didn’t step up to get you one. Since you’re a ‘Nam vet and all.
Actually I think Medicare paid for my sisters hover round.


I don’t bother with them Assholes at the VA. Gotta sit for hours and get garbage attention. I go to a private doc, I have Medicare and Medicaid both. The doc ordered a mobility scooter 3 times but the damn insurance kept shining us on. Wanting to pass over the(single cost) order for the ‘bigger money ticket’ of a ‘health care nurse’ coming out to house daily (to just sit n watch me) no house cleaning or dishes or laundry or anything! The insurance company has called about having in home care probably a dozen times in the past 2 yrs!
Last time I went to the VA, they said I had pretty much worked my way through the PTSD(BS!) and offered me 10% disability, I told em to stick it in their keester for easter and walked. Ain’t been back…

Between the both of us getting Social Security checks, and a bit of SSI, along with my seed sales rounding things out. We’re not in too bad shape financially., lol as long as we don’t try eating/living too high on the hog!

It helps not having a mortgage or rent and no vehicle payments.


Actually, for a disabled person, my sister has it pretty good. She doesn’t get a lot of money, but she gets a pile in food stamps. She lives in government housing. No rent, no electric bills. Plus, in Boston, she gets a person to come and visit with her and take care of her meds and such each day. Then she gets a lady to come do her housework and laundry once a week. Free. Paid for by the system. Etc, there’s a lot of “gimme” programs in the big, big cities. More than we realize.


I reckon, lol … not so much out here though. Sounds like she’s got it nice, good for her. One of my sisters is living large off the VA too.
The less the Gov is up in my business/ass, the better I like it, personally.


Yeah. Same here. I have a major distrust for anything the government does. But that’s just me. Not political.


I get it. Vet myself. I joined to feed my family. Not for glory or to have the va in my pocket or any of that. I owe it to the choice as it’s set my life up but it was for sure the last place I wanted to be.

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So I cut my outside Frankenstein plant this morning. Not a bad haul for the second harvest from the same plant. I went ahead and removed the fan leaves.

And the size!!! Holy farts.


Man what a haul!!! You must be salivating thinking about after cure smoke!
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Beautifully done bro!


Thanks brother. I figgered I better harvest. The yard treatment came yesterday. I saw him eyeballing my plants. ZAM ain’t ready.


That is freakin sweeeet!!! And second pull at that. Wow :clap:


I bet that gave him something to talk about back at the shop. lol
Not good but lol anyway. WTH you gonna do anyway? Right now would be a good time to borrow a Rottie from a friend. lol


The only way in or out without climbing the privacy fence is one gate. It’s very hard to open if you don’t know how. And it’s right next to my bedroom window. And this time of year I tend to keep the window open a little for the cool air. I’m pretty sure I would hear anyone messing around.


The only time one of my dogs got hold of a thief had me on edge for a while. The dude left a blood trail and never called the law on me though. I never knew who it was for sure but stuff stopped disappearing on the place. I had fuel stolen and a battery out of the tractor… just small stuff. I brought Gunner out of the field and let him have the yard for a while. We heard screaming and the dog was on him. I don’t like hurting folks but some kids just gotta learn the hard way.