Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

This was funny
deadly almost


Good morning all,
It’s going to be perfect weather to do some outside chores and I am dragging ass this morning.
Have a great day!


Still dark on the Coast. My back bullshit has me officially done outside for the immediate future. But my cats still think I should spend the day outside with them.


Damn! ‘Planet of the Apes’ lives!!


ok, lol back now and think it’s time to show a few pics. It has been a whole 4 days since last ones! :scream: :rofl: :+1:
Up first is a pic of the center in veg room, the tall thang in back is the new mother Ms Frankie (of course) lol

Here is Ms Frankie mother, reaching for the lights lol

the new Ms Frankie (front right)with a couple of Unicorn Poop beside and behind her.

Vortex female

Space Queen boy and Blazing Dragon boy (slated for pollen donors) Another UP beside em

3 more UP

Into the budroom where the older Ms Frankie is starting to show buddage coming in after 6 days

group shot

Some Coral Kush, White Rhino, and Thunder Rose… hidden behind the SHE BEAST(Frankie)

That’s all folks, thnx for taking time to peek at things here!


Morning folks. Time to weekend!


I feel bad… almost! lol EVERY day is ‘weekend’ here for us… sorry folks, lol Not sorry! :scream: :wink: :crazy_face: :rofl: :+1:

I will say this about that, lol I can deff understand, been a working man all my life 7 days a week usually. I ran towards retirement, but take my advice kiddos…DON’T DO IT! It’s a trap! retirement isn’t all it’s cracked up to be!!


As much as I love my days off and the thought of not working I think I might be one of those that needs to work or they start declining. My dad is, my uncle is, I think I have the curse.


Good morning Y’all!
Everything is looking awesome out in the Farm in a Barn! @JohnnyPotseed Ya got a lot goin on out there! :grinning: :facepunch:t3::fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3: 🪶🪶


lol Thnx brother. Not as much as there is fixin to be, though! :scream: :+1:

I got more projects on my plate than you can shake a stick at! Beans of new crosses coming out of the budroom in the next few weeks, new crosses fixing to be created, new seed runs getting started, etc etc lol

AND lol enjoying the heck outta this new scooter! It helps me not get worn out just getting out to the barn now, so I have energy to do more when out there. lol Rose is loving it too! :scream: :wink: :crazy_face: :rofl: :+1: I’ve taken back up doing all the stuff she had to step up and do when I went down last year. lol Since we got the scooter, she hasn’t had to go out there to do anything. Which tickles TF outta her!

Not to mention, tickles TF outta me TOO!!


:wink: Lol! Yeah! I suppose ya got a few tricks up your sleeve yet! :fist:t3:
Can’t wait to see what coming down the pipeline next! :exploding_head:


Sound like that scoot has ya about to fire up more of the ole barn! :thinking::grin:

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Morning peeps and peepettes.
I actually got up about 6. But that dadgum Frankenstein stuck his foot so far up my ass, I had to go lay down to remove it. This is from a test bud from about four or five days ago that I forgot I had picked.


lol ya mean ‘her’ foot? But we get the idea, brother! Now just wait til after she cures awhile… :heart: :+1:

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Naw lol I’m going & feeling a lot better, true. lol But not that much I’m willing to get the whole barn cranking! :scream: :rofl:

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Oh I know! I have already ran through most of my indoor harvest from about six months ago.
Today was my first trial of the Outside, second harvest, same plant version.
…and I actually think there’s a spot left on the stump after harvesting her, that could actually go again. For a third harvest??? Ya think??? I might, if she comes back before frost, gently remove her from the ground and try to run her again. Hawhaw Never seen anything like it.


Hell Yeah, cuz! lol Go for it! I’d love to see that happen…I’m sure others here on OG would too! 3 crops off the same plant? Why TF not?!

lol brother, let me tell ya… not that I don’t think you know this too, lol but that would be epic and make OG history!


No clone, third gen harvest! That would be sweet! :fist:t3:

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lol Trust in brother Mikey to come up with some shit like that! :scream: :crazy_face: :wink: :rofl: :heart: :+1:
Awesome stuff!

@BigMike55 ya knows what I’m gonna say now. :rofl: remember what you said to me about giving @MoBilly a smooch? Weeellll, now ya done gone and said it, sooooo…


:joy: Right! I’m in for the ride! :raised_hands:t3:

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