Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Good afternoon everyone. Good luck on the third harvest @BigMike55
The grafting thing is really interesting to me. I always wonder how cultivators with weak root system would preform given a vigorous root system. The sfv og I had was a small root system, how would she do on a Frankenstein root system.


Every Frankenstein I’ve ever grown has had an outstanding root ball @Emeraldgreen . I recon it would be an improvement for a fact.


I can hardly wait to retire from my job, I’ll have 35 years in when I turn 65, two and half years left.


That’s what I was thinking. In tomato farming they breed a tomato cultivator specifically for root mass. The idea is to graft a heirloom variety to the root mass variety for increased production


Dad and Grandpa were big into grafting. We had an apple tree with four different kinds of apples on it. That’s what they did. They used a variety that had strong root systems to graft onto. That way they could grow picky varieties where the soil was too rocky for them to be happy normally…


I really should check it out. How long does it take to graft stuff?

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I’m not sure but I believe it took a couple of months for the apple trees to heal up.
I assume it would be less for a pot plant by a lot.


It doesn’t take more than a week or two for grafts to take on Ganja, from what I’ve read.
Been looking into it for less worry over plant count here. Be great to have several strains on just one mother.

one google says about 4-5 days
Significant wilting occurs immediately after single-step grafting (Figure 1H), and an experienced medicinal Cannabis grower may assume the method has failed. The grafts recover from the wilting but may take up to four days post-grafting to resume a healthy appearance

edit… according to the vid @Andrane posted, if you use a ziplock plastic bag for humidity control, the wilting is minimal if at all. See post #3292 below


How about it @Andrane I know you’ve probably posted about the time in your ‘crazy stuff’ thread, but if ya don’t mind giving us an idea here, please?
lol You are without a doubt the ‘Master of grafting’ as far as OG goes!


Well, I know I have danged near broke a branch off when I first started bending and such. It did as you said. It wilted and I thought it was a loss. It stayed green though so I just let it hang there and about 5 or 6 days later it started lifting.


If I get too rough on the plant when doing the dirty to it, lol I just put a stake in and tie it to the position I want it to grow in. In a few days it heals, with a knuckle. but you can take the stake out then. It’s permanent.


Here’s a vid @Andrane posted on his thread for folks that were asking. He doesn’t seem to be on right now for answers.

This looks easy-peasy to me!


That is very doable. My interest is peaked. I wonder how old that mother is?

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From what I’m seeing, it’s not so much the age, as grafting into a stem approx. the same size.
He cut off all other growth on that branch, leaving it as a ‘dedicated’ for the new strain only.

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Yep. I was just looking at the girth of the OP.

When Andrane did his latest graft, the Bonsai mother he said is around 3.5 yrs old

Later in his thread, he lost the Bonsai to mold/rot or some such.

So, there IS that pitfall. If you don’t take damn good care of the mother, you can lose a LOT of strains…


I am thinking about plant count like you. I might just try that myself. A mother plant that has 5-6 of your favorite strains would be the bomb.

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Exactly my thoughts, brother!

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Now that I’m getting my feet back under me, so to speak… I’m thinking I’m about ready to give it a go. I do have that new young Frankie that’s been fimmed a few times, with a lot of fresh branches, to work with. lol

I think she’d be the perfect candidate for use in this.


Now my mad scientist is awake. Dangitall! Now I must do this.