Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

I was thinking about doing a graft of that Space Queen clone Guitarzan gave me at the dinner. Then I could take a clone to grow for pollen whenever i wanted it.

It is a pure boy


The clone that made subcool!? Space dude?! Nice to see he is still around.


@guitarzan and the Freakers collective get a lot of the older hard to find, rare, and landrace/heirloom strains to grow out.

You can see the male clone I got from him up in my last update. It’s a damn good growing strain! the middle one

the one on left is another male clone, for pollen. lol Blazing Dragon


It’s funny how our minds all go to the same place. I almost grafted my AC/DC male to the Runtz last night. :joy: Guess we’re gonna have to give that a try.
I have a feeling before it’s all over I’ll have 10 of these damn things with 100 strains and still not know what to grow next! :joy:


I do plan on having one mother with as many damn good strains on her as I can get! lol I just had to play around with this thing first… Next is to get a Frankie Bonsai going, so it doesn’t take up a lot of space and easier to tend. The last Bonsai I had going would give up 30-40 clones every few weeks. But I let her go to the wayside when we moved back to Oklahoma and didn’t need to worry about space, lol

That SHE BEAST could give up 100 clones and look like nothing happened, so there IS something to be said for ‘going large’!
Hell, lol i took around 50 off her when I let cuttings go the other week, and still took a couple large plants worth of cuttings off of her when I thinned her down to flip.


Good morning everyone. I see the coffee was brewed a little stronger this morning :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:You know why


lol naw cuz, just been busy. Which for me, is a good thing! I’m loving it! :scream: :heart: :rofl: :+1:


Hope you don’t mind this post bro. lol
This is what you get when you turn your billy out with six nannies in heat. This is Blue Boy. He’s the father of this generation of milkers. The old boy got so wound up that he took on a front loader.

The folks we bought him from had tried to de-horn him. It failed so he has some gnarly horns. I think it gives him character.
BTW This has already pretty much healed up.


Good to hear it’s healed! That looks gnarly as hell!


He’s easy to handle though. At least when he isn’t turned out with the girls. Then you have to watch him. He won’t go after you but if you’re between him and the one he wants to check out he will mow you down getting to her.
He was ours but we sold him to my wife’s aunt. Until I get my Kiko billy, he’s still knocking out the babies though.

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Yeah, but those Evil Eyes!!!
Glad your pal is healed tho for reals.


Well, I’m off to bend some strings with the guys. Catch you guys later. :slight_smile:


Glad to see you in particular attacking this @JohnnyPotseed. Just seems like something in your lane. I lost a friend last year who was a grafting guru. The local university used him every quarter as a guest speaker on grafting. Dave Christie. Cool old guy. He hated anything drug related, but in chatting we did discuss grafting cannabis in relation to breeding. But very briefly. He said it might take some experimenting, to find the right technique is all.
Please keep us posted on this one. Sure thought provoking.


I’m seeing a great niche for homegrown here. Each plant is 5 flavors with the potential for 3 plants and 15 flavors!


Dude! For folks living in tight plant count areas? Fricking genius @Emeraldgreen. Maybe a little biz if set up right. Kits like the all inclusive tents?


Once you get really good at it it’s a no brainer. Crank them out fast.
Although I thought plant counts were more a suggestion :joy:


The plant count is close to the only reason I’m doing this! lol
That plus a little bit of curiosity as to saving space and time.

I ran Bonsai mothers for years, but never did any grafting.


You wish! As do I, too!!


I’m content living in my reality bubble :joy:


move over then, I’m coming in there! :rofl: