Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Good morning all!


How ya doing this loverly morn, brother?


I’m not complaining today. All that time without sleep had me wiped out but I finally got some shut eye. I’m rested up but you know how it is when a guy sleeps longer than normal.
You know… living the dream. lol
I’m still worlds better than I could have imagined even a couple of years ago. The body has an amazing ability to rebuild itself. My son calls me the “Rehab King!!” because of how far I’ve come since the accident. Stairs still get me though. I hate going down stairs.


I know what ya mean, brother! I can’t stand stairs either! That’s when i really show my weakness, going up or down them damn things! lol


Figuring out which knee might hold me while I step down with the other is a tossup.
I think I’m gonna start carrying a skateboard (without wheels) to slide down those dang things. I have two bad knees.

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Hell, I had a small test bud on the rack, of some very early Zamaldelica. I crunch that up, stuck it in my bong and burned it up.
I think it may be good smoke when she’s done. Its very harsh and not even close to ripe. I just picked a small one to look at under a scope. I forgot to bring it with me. I got high. That’s a good sign. I even nodded out for about a half an hour.
After chores, I plan on really kicking back with some nice Double Grape.


Hey brother. Their saying we are looking at a hard freeze around Halloween in these parts.


It’s getting down into the 30s this coming week here. I do believe winter is near!

Just skip right over fall, mom nature!

85 for the high today… lol next week into the 30s


I’ve got just under a cord cut. That happened last year as well and I said it wouldn’t happen again. And don’t even THINK about buying from a woodcutter anymore. Since when did burning firewood become a rich man’s purview?!

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Good morning everyone.


We could use a little of that “Global Warming “ for a few more weeks, if they’re looking for MY vote.
Zamadelica is getting there. She’s getting some cloudy trikes. It’s weird to me, not knowing much about sativa plants, the bud structure it’s All together different than the Indica. It’s more like single buds stacked on top of each other. Almost foxtail looking.
Like this

And this is a larfy bud.


There was frost on the pumpkin this morning in my neck of the woods.

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In this part of central OK we should be good, except for bigtime rain. For at least another week or so.

It looks like there might be seeds in there too, brother. Hell yeah, if there are!


Oh, its seeded. By what? I have no idea. I never introduced her to any boys. Someone in the proximity has some boys going.
You want me to isolate those seeds and hand them off to you??
I also will have LPC X ?, and Frankenstein X ?.
If you want me to try to isolate each or I can just collect them all together for a mystery mix. If you want them. I know seeds are in each. I did not smash them out tho. Thought I would do it old school and do it as I use it. With a double album cover.

One little tiny bud produced these.


If you get some out of that Zamadelica, I’d be game to run them.:wink:

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I have 5 still outside and got this last night.

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No bueno, mi amigo!

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And that was on the top of the hill. D’oh

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I can get some fresh ones off the plant for you. Howz dat for service?