Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

I’m almost all healed up now. After chainsaw cuts the cuts I had were just little things.
Was a pleasure having everyone there, hopefully we can do it again next year…….


Yes Sir! :+1:t5:

Man! It was MUCH better weather this time than last year. Remember how freaking hot it was??
Anyways, this time was the Blast of the year, that’s a fact.


It was indeed! That first time I couldn’t hang for long. lol

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I was happy as a short pony in tall grass that you were able to stick it out for seven hours brother. That was a gift.

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It was , for sure! I enjoyed every minute of time with ALL of the great people there!

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Been harvesting some Thunder Rose here today. The beans are falling out…
Thunder Rose x Alaska Thunder Fuck… can you say THUNDER FUCK!? lol
These popped out of a few buds as I was harvesting. Nice fat things.

Also, the grafting experiment seems to be doing well. The Vortex I cut and grafted is still hanging in there.


Yes Sir!!!


Finally headed out to the lake. :slight_smile: We’ll fish till about 2am if anything is hitting… maybe even if they’re not. lol

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Yep, lol I think I like ThunderStruck better too.

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That really an AC/DC cross. I know ya ain’t a fan of the CBD though! :joy:
I am about to have a ton of pollen though!

Thunder Struck is taken? Damn lol ok back to the drawing board…

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I don’t think it’s taken. It’s just an AC/DC song. I think you can still call it that if you’d like.
I’m vulgar. I still like Thunder Fuk! :joy:

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Then that’s the name of this cross! i know the song, but didn’t want confusion in Ganja strain names.

It is taken and is in fact a AC/DC cross!

Well what the Fuk

Damn it! lol ok no biggie. I’ll have a name when i drop em!

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lol ya know where my mind went at first for a name… but Rose wasn’t having it!! :scream: :wink: :rofl: :+1:

lol She said I’d dead if I did thatun…


Raider Rose? :joy:
Thunder Rose x ATF

Spinal Tap…

lol or just plain ol Thunder Rose x Alaska Thunder Fuck!

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Frozen Rose