Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Hey @JohnnyPotseed
I told you about that Frankenstein plant I put outside in the ground. I went out and looked at her a while ago. I bet she’s at least nine feet tall and flowering like crazy. I will try to get a pic of her in a while.

In fact. Here she is.


Hell yeah, brother! She’s just getting started with her flower push, lol you can expect her to get a good bit taller, and fuller! lovely gal!

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No, I know about rodelization.
I was talking male to female.

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lol that’s exactly what that is, cuz. The plant stresses and reverses to male, putting out pollen pods.Some have been successful using too much nutes, or other ways to stress.

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I think you mean male to female,thus my Florel comment?

Yup yup yup!

I’ve never heard of reversing a male plant to turn female!! lol As far as I know, it’s never happened.The only time a male might have female flowers is if it a hermie, never good! and the beans will be garbage/hermies also.

Yes, pardon my dyslexia lol.

Yessir, Their are folks breeding( 707 Genetics for one) They use Florel , it’s some form of Phosphoric acid.It will reverse the male to make buds, it helps them pick out the males. There’s not much on it .

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Well, learn something new every day! lol To my knowledge though, it’s never been done, if you google ‘Can you reverse a male’ the answer is a resounding NO Technology/developements will never surprise me though. It may well be true. lol

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Dang! lol OFW,… now I gotta rob the Emoji bank! :scream: :heart: :heart:

Just googled that, and it appears you’re right, brother. There is work going on in that direction! lol

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Careful what you ask to see brother. lol


lol I’ve already admitted I was wrong. That male reversal is not happening’ seems to actually BE happening! lol Like I said earlier, technology today is amazing!


I’m thinking you missed that joke. "Be careful what you ask the internet to show you brother… You may just see something you can’t un-see!!!



I don’t mind being wrong about something, lol Especially when it comes to new breakthroughs in Ganja growing! Hell to da yeah!


Can someone explain my joke to my friend @JohnnyPotseed ?
I am laughing too hard.


Rub a dub dub 3 men in a tub!
How’d I do? @MoBilly :joy:


That’ll work! :rofl:


Ok, I’m stoned-thick-headed ATM I reckon. That totally went over my head. Sorry lol
I caught it, lol … finally!