Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Also I think @THCeed did this on his thread. At least I thought he was gonna. He never tucked anything in and it’s still a girl! Flowering and everything! :joy: He had the split it up the middle part down Pat though! :joy:

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I knew you would @JohnnyPotseed !!! :rofl:
I attribute the low brow humor that I am currently exploring to your influence my friend.

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Ever since the sale ended (2hrs now) We’ve been tokin-n-jokin, Rose n me sorta celebrating being back on level ground financially, at least.


Really happy to hear that went well for y’all! :facepunch:t3:
What kinda homemade dessert does Rose have planned for extra celebration? :partying_face:

She hasn’t mentioned any, brother. lol The A1c is over 8, so we trying to cut back on sugar intake


I understand. You coulda lied to me! I wouldn’t be mad. I like those dessert conversations! :joy:
Not gonna torture you with one though. If y’all are cutting back and all.

Hell, cuz, lol some of them dessert convos by themselves put more sugar into me! Took my A1c up higher! lol


German Chocolate cake with home made vanilla ice cream!


I went to get proof and got distracted by a squirrel. Lol


Oh it’s on! :joy: I’m just spectating so I can take notes! :grin:

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It’s usually a turtle for me! :joy:

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:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


time is almost up for me to have ONE MORE LIKE, lol
but meanwhile, here yas go :heart: :heart: :heart:


No need to lie to ya now, brother! lol After getting on my knees, kissing up and begging ( :scream: :kissing_closed_eyes: :sob: :pray:) she broke down (finally, success!!) Tomorrow she’s making me her homemade Angel Food cake, with diced strawberries and homemade whipped cream!
She always falls weak when I get to saying pretty please on my knees!
Well, lol not actually on my knees, that’d be hard to do! lol But yas get the picture!

‘She always falls weak’ don’t tell her I said that!
Took awhile to wear her down, lol


Lmao, I was off cooking dinner. That’s to funny!
Come on JP, ya gettin slow on us?:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
That’s the kinda stuff that goes right over my head.

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lol in my defense, I DID say we’d been getting stoned-stupid for a couple hours when he said that! :scream: :joy:
I may be a ‘functional pothead’ but there’s a limit even there!

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lol Whatta ya mean, cuz… any slower and I’d be standing still here!
Oh wait, I AM still. Only thing moving is my fingers

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We wouldn’t blame ya bro.
You’ve actually been movin pretty quick as compared to this time last year. :smiley:

Oh yeah, and I’d blame the ganja too! :joy: