Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

NEVER blame Ganja, the poor maligned plant! er… did I say we’re stoned here? Oh yeah, I think I did…
Thnx brother, I am getting gradually more mobile and that’s a big plus for me. The rest of the ailments I’ll just deal with. The mobility issues were/are bringing me down hard! But I’m working on it, lol

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I so wish I could blaze still. :neutral_face:
It’s by far the best pain management I’ve ever found. And I refuse to take opiates/opioids.

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I have full blown Emphysema in both lungs, and still toke. Just in sips and not many per doobie, before I can’t for awhile. lol I’ll stop when they pry the doobie outta my stone cold hands. to rephrase an old saying! lol

Rose is happy with that arrangement, lol She gets most of the doobies to herself.
Edibles just don’t do it for me. The joints and bowl packs do, lol


Oh, it’s not my lungs.
It’s the fancy gold star on my drivers license, lol.
A CDL is apportioned by the federal government. So until someone pulls their head out of their ass, or I persue a different profession, I’m up Shit Creek. Sad part is…I rarely drive truck, lol.
In the meantime I’ll enjoy growing, while looking forward to the day that I can be an active stoner again!


Oh hell no! Things have changed a lot over the years. I had a CDL for 17yrs, when I owned my own rig, guess I got out before they changed too drastically. I know the hours you drive are strict also.
I had a caravan, lol White Freight-liner tiltcab with 45’ trailer, schoolbus, pickup, trailer, motorcycle… A damn parade going down the road. lol the pickup on a trailer, the motorcycle in the back of the schoolbus.I drove the tiltcab &big flatbed trailer, the schoolbus pulled the vehicle trailer. Rose drove that.Sometimes the jump from town to town took a couple trips, lol Short hauls, the longer ones we did the caravan. I always had some guys around working for me, etc that I could trust to drive my shit over the road.

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Oo, gotta love them ol Freighliner cab overs!
Yes, hours/mile limits are strict these days. I remember that my day use to keep two log books, lol. Everything is digital these days.
But, I’m not OTR. I totally could if I wouldn’t miss my family so much. I only transport heavy equipment on occasion.

Cool, I can understand the family thing. I hauled anything that could be loaded on that old trailer, lol and sometimes I’d haul container trailers, if I had time and the money was good. Always wildcatting it, never for any company. I always stayed busier than a flea on a hot brick, with growing, bouncing occasionally for the illegal casino (70s-early 90s)off n on, the jewelry and construction businesses. lol My days stayed pretty full, looking back.
But I was mostly enjoying myself, so it didn’t feel like work so much, lol


That’s what I’m talking about! :facepunch:t3: :joy: Just be mindful if your body says whoa boy! :joy: Happy to hear it though! Y’all deserve a treat! :grin::wink:


Small helpings, and give half to the son! lol Outta sight, outta mind… cause if it stayed around here, I’ll end up eating the whole damn thing! :scream: :rofl: :heart_eyes:
Albeit in ‘small helpings’…
lol just a lot of em!

lol I’m weak, what can I say. Rose has known for years, her cooking (especially desserts!) is my fatal weakness!
That woman can flat out THROW DOWN in a kitchen!
She’s always experimenting with recipes for this or that, and guess who her guinea pig is?! She has came up with some serious winners over the years too! lol

That old saying about ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ ? I’m living proof! lol After she cooked for me the first time, within a week I asked her to move in with me! We’d only dated to that point, lol
By the end of a year of her cooking, i asked her to marry me! I didn’t wanna let her get away, lol

A lot of this is said joking, but all I love her, period. Not for her cooking, lol That’s just the icing on the cake, lol


can ya tell where my mind is? Stoned-hungry munchies!

lol even though I loaded up on her homemade Beef Stroganoff & egg pasta flat noodles. lol

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Great read as usual guys. Time for this one to cop some Z’s though .
Good night everyone.


Cya tomorrow, brother. Rest well!

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Night bud.

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You as well brother.
Night @blowdout2269 .


Putting things away for the day here, also. I’ll cyas tomorrow, folks.

Good Night OG!


G night to you too.
I’m likely on my way out aswell.
Back to the grind in the am! :wink:

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Goodnight y’all! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3: 🪶🪶


Not for you, I’m sure?


Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s. Just waiting on the sunlight, so I can keep working on my blackberry bushes. They’ve been getting out of hand and didn’t produce much fruit this year. Time to cut them back and get them back in shape. They usually get so many berries we can’t eat them all.


Good morning @Greenfingers & OG!
