Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

A few of the commercial growers here in Oklahoma aren’t on OG, I passed em the recipe for the MTA and they’re loving it! lol

Yup. They will look scraggly for a few days but they always bounce back. Well, almost always.
I still want to make some girly seeds from that Vortex, when I get back after Thanksgiving. Some clonage is in my future.


Hell yeah! lol That ‘clonage/reversal/pollination/fem beans’ is a BIG thing in my immediate future! lol Every one of the new strains i have beans of are Fem, with the exception of 2, lol

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Good thing about the Vortex, I only have the one clone, so I won’t be hunting for the best example, like I did for that ISS. It will be a lot less time involved. Just make two clones and reverse one and pollinate the other. Easy as kissing your kid sister.


i plan on taking clones of all the new strains, then reverse one of each. Depending on the amount of magic dust I get, each will be used to make new straight strain beans as well as, as many crosses as the dust will allow. lol I’m anticipating a lot of fun this coming year!


:scream: :rofl: :rofl: :+1: OH CRAP! Thnx for reminding me, brother! I totally forgot about the Vortex! lol I’m gonna add her to the list of plants to reverse/ cross/ make pure strain beans from also!! :wink: :star_struck: :crazy_face: :+1:

edit… Absolutely no idea how i managed to space that fact out!


Wish we lived closer, man. We could collaborate on crosses and make some killers.

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Well, when things get close to having enough to make the trip worthwhile… possible then? Right? lol

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Too much wakey-bakey.

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Naw, lol not enough!
I seem to function and plan better when I’m stoned

edit… I just seem to forget the plans at times! :scream: :rofl:


And alcoholics drive better when they’ve drunk, right? Hawhaw.

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But, lol that’s why I (usually) write all things down in my daily log… so I DON’T forget what I had thought up & planned!

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Cool chatting brother. Gotta get going. Back in a bit.

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Have any of you guys heard from @Greenfingers? I can’t imagine more well wishes floating around for him than from OG. I sure get buried when I have anything going. Always appreciate that.


Hopefully he’s just getting some rest and will be on later.


Don’t you hate when you think you have the perfect joint. Cone. Whatever, and no matter what, it won’t burn right. Just mashed one up and tossed it in the planter. Time to go spin a freshie.


Check out this bud that was chosen next. Mmmmm.


Nice choice :+1:

Fixin to blend these together and take some bong rips

Bottom is glookies top left is zookies and other is apple fritter