Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Quite a bit better. Still hacking up chunks of lung, but it seems to be easing up some. Thanks for asking. Its been about a week since I’ve felt decent. Tired of it.


Good deal sounds like ur about outta the woods.

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Figure I’ll drop a few pics of things in the barn this morning.
Group shot of budroom, 2 Frankenstein in the back 3, 1 White Rhino, 1 Space Queen boy, a few Unicorn Poop

the SHE BEAST (Ms Frankenstein)

into the veg room, with another Frankie mother coming along. A bit of burn on some tips tell me it’s time to back off the Nitro just a tad (the big girl - back, right) Also Vortex, SD, another Frankie Center on floor

Dropped more beans, the grease Monkey. Still some of the GodFather OG left in the cap/WC

potted up 6 of the GFOG so far
5 CB into cups, be moving to 6"pots in a couple days

group shot of all the new babies. Chiquita Banana, Cafe Racer, Grand Prix, Air Force 1

Sour Diesel, furthest along of all the new ones

That’s a peek at what’s happening, folks. Thnx for taking time to look!


Always a pleasure.

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Looking righteous, brother.

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Thnx brother… i gotta get them babies going back to back just to get that lineup into action! lol If ya saw the list i posted, I’m barely halfway into getting em going, but it’s getting there. 2024 is gonna be a helluva year for pure strain beans as well as a LOT of crosses! :scream: :rofl: :+1:

I’ve been talking about my plans but hadn’t posted any pics! lol So there yas go, good people of the OGniverse!


And BigMike is along for the ride.


Wow :star_struck: new and exciting stuff happening in the barn! The bud room looks like a jungle :grinning: def wanna try a few of the new ones. Godfather og has my attention as well as cafe racer and can’t hardly wait for hulk smash. Hulked out frankies in the future? The possibilities are endless lol


Wow @JohnnyPotseed. Beautiful plants you have there!

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IKR? By my count, the possible number is over 100 in straight strain beans and crosses.
Oh, lol btw. the SHE BEAST has already been hit with a full glass vial of Fem Frankie dust from @MoBilly by way of @BigMike55 and there is a Unicorn Poop gal in isolation with a UP boy for pollination process.

Damn, lol I see I already told yas about the last two pollination efforts. But OFW, lol I told yas again. lol


Sounds like you have the cat by the ass, brother. Can’t wait to see your magic.


I got this, brother! lol It’s just another day on the farm here. If I were younger and in better health, I’d probably have the barn chock full… hell who am I kiddin? It’ll probably be that by mid year! :man_facepalming: :scream: :rofl: :crazy_face: :wink: :+1:


Thank you for that, brother!

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But that’s a secret, though. Haha.
I’m always a LITTLE over the limit, too. But… As I say… FUGG’M.


oh yeah… riiiight! That’s all photo-shopped pics folks, nothing to see here… :wink: :lying_face:


On a different note.
That votex plant came with a few Surprises.
I tried the one and done. Honestly, I think the bugs were drinking that shit. I saw very little effect.
I got some Captain Jacks Dead bug powder. The bugs just acted like it was a day at the beach.
I got some NeemMax. That stuff seems to be doing the trick. No movement. Lots of eggs, so I will spray again today. After two days. Little fuckers. I also trimmed out a lot of leafage. My idea was that it will be easier to apply insecticide with fewer leaves. Thinned out Frankie too, although I have not seen any buggage on that plant. Hopefully I can get on top of it.


What kinda bugs? Did you mix the right proportions? I’ve never heard of anyone saying the MTA didn’t do the job…
lol everyone, including me, swears by that MTA mix.
As for the unwanted guests, we isolated the clones we brought home, sprayed the hell outta them a couple times before putting into the barn with all the other plants. We just stuck em in there at first, lol but Rose spotted a web and a couple hours later we snatched em all out to isolate/treat. Still had to treat the veg room a few times to make sure no unwanted guests were still hanging out!

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Mixed it correctly. I’m not saying it didn’t kill bugs. The infestation just took off quicker than I’ve ever seen. It went from a few bugs to a full blown infestation in about four or five days. Even started making webs. Spider Mites.
That’s when I thought I needed more help it was probably working. The plants were just so bushy, I could not get in to individual leaves, etc. Now they are thinned out and hopefully I can get a handle on those SM’s

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Ok has had one helluva infestation of SM’s this year, according to all I’m hearing from any of the commercial growers I know.

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Yep, with a ‘bushy’ plant, it can be hard as heck to get in there to all the leaves. To defoliate some before treating a bigass bush is the best way to go, like you did.