Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

But, that’s wild

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300 Grand? No problem. Sign me up for two of those.


Yeah, I just keep thinking about the idiots we have to deal with on the highway. Just think about dealing with them at 500’ above the ground. A fender bender would be a whole nother animal. lol


YOU get a flying car, …and YOU get a flying car,… and YOU get a flying car! (shades of Oprah! lol)


lol and ya know, it’s gonna happen!

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I found a bunch of Cloudy Trichomes hanging out with AMBER, WEEK 4 of Flower on Frankenstein.
She is Feisty @JohnnyPotseed


The first ones come up for sale in late 2025. That’ll give you time to come up with the scratch for one for you and one for me. You did say you’d pull that out for me. One thing though… after you pull that check out, wash it before handing it to me.

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Flying cars, give me images of that Bruce Willis movie ‘The Fifth Element’ lol anyone remember the scenes of all them flying cars in that town?


Oh, I’ll just write ya a check and send it along to you, right now! lol It’s made of pure rubber though, fair warning…

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lol damn, cuz! That thing is looking more super-delicious every time you post a pic!


Been a while since i posted any pics, so here’s a few for yas.
First up is a shot of the bud room with Thunder Rose standing taller than most any of the others, at just over 2 weeks after flip

Here’s few of TR in the veg room
we have 2 distinctly different phenos going here

Unicorn Poop, coming along

Fimmed a Frankie and put it on top of a bucket to get closer to the light. Also repotted the big Frankie into a 5gal pot, buy she needed it too! Talk about root bound, lol smh. I had to cut the 3gal pot off just to get her. lol Sorry, i didn’t grab a pic of her in her new digs. Mixed up a gallon of nutes special for her, to bring her back to the glorious thing she should be. She had some yellowing going on.
That’s all for now. Thnx for stopping to take a look see.

Also didn’t get any pics of the couple White Rhinos in the middle. They’re revegged nicely, and getting big. lol

edit… correction! lol There IS a pic of one of the White Rhinos, lol it’s the second one on right in the 4th pic!


Looking stellar brother!


My bad.

I’m on mobile 99% if the time. Except for that one time I went on a YouTube rabbit hole in my Desktop. Things are weird and only show code when I try to edit on my phone. :man_shrugging:t2: weird stuff and a learning curve

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Not a problem, cuz. Just thought you didn’t want the pics of family posted.

Your Thunder Rose looks fantastic Johnny, I gotta get some of those for an indoor run.:peace_symbol:


I’m thinking she’d do some tremendous stuff outdoors, cuz. lol her lineage is awesome, all 4 strains! You can see indoors, she’s going higher than any other!


You know I love to do her inside and outside, I’m like that ya know.:wink:


Gonna have to apply a little LST and maybe even a bit of bondage, lol definitely will need some bending over, at the least!


Those Thunder Rose are growing like crazy! I am also curious to see how they grow outside, wish I could myself.

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