Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

I dropped the beans on 7/3. They’re just now barely 2 months old! Had to go back n look at notes, lol
Put em into the 12" pots on 7/13 Nothing special in the feeding either, same as all the rest of the plants.
So far, there were 3 boys out of the 8 original dropped. The rest are all girls. I culled the boys, since we don’t need seeds, lol (got plenty!)
But, if another boy shows, i might collect some of that magic dust! Use it on some other stuff, lol
Gonna wait n see the end result. I’ll be posting pics of the progress, of course! For all to see what she ends up doing, lol … good or bad!


Wow those are beasts! Can’t wait to see what happens next with them 🫣


Thunder Rose looks perfect, brother. I really mean that. Stellar plants.


So far there are two distinct phenos. short/squat n bushy AF, and long lanky, branched well.
It remains to be seen which performs better, but that’s coming! lol
Thnx @BigMike55 I’m just amazed at this growth, for the age? sheesh, lol if I let her go any longer, they’d be through the roof!
Rose sure brought the Thunder, lol It was all her idea, and she did the majority of the work… So she got the name hung on it after her!
She just told me which she wanted, I did the pollinating. She tended em all, every step of the way, since it was mostly done during my ‘down time’.

lol I’m thinking she definitely picked some winners!


Nice, well her efforts will not go unappreciated. Pumped I was so generously gifted some for the contest :gift:


If yas go back to Part 5, you’ll see on post #1172 is when I dropped the Thunder Rose beans (pics & date) Then we put the seedlings into tiny cups. Sorry, but no pics of that. But next pic is in post #1707 right after we potted em into the 12" pots.on July 15th. You can judge the growth from those two pics. It IS phenomenal to see the difference in only 2 months!


That reminds me, I have two large Frankenstein clones in serious need of an up pot.


Heck, lol hindsight is 20/20 they say. Looking back, I’m sorry now I didn’t go ahead and collect some TR pollen! The growth is outta this world sweet. The dust should give some very serious crosses! Heck, lol I’m thinking drop a few more just to get a male for pollen!


@JohnnyPotseed i don’t know how you get them to stand so proud! Beautiful plants as always! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3: 🪶
Those Thunder Rose are gorgeous! Can’t wait to see what mine is gonna be! :grin: If it throws boy parts it may be destined for the bro bath! May have to grab some of that magic dust myself if the opportunity arises! :wink:


Yeah, lol… Brother lemme tell ya, I’m now kicking my butt for not collecting some dust! But at the time I just wasn’t in the mood to bother, lol I’ve been too busy packing envelopes for the folks that got in on that last sale! lol
@NDNCHILD how many did you drop?


Now that is a chore that takes some time, lol. Still, worth it in the end.


Yep, IKR? lol I was just busy with orders, they showed this week earlier., and I was slamming…
excuses, excuses, lol right?


Those who have never sorted, packaged and labeled a ton of mail will never know just how long it takes.


Well, I know you, of all people here, know that for a fact! :rofl: :scream: :+1:
You, my friend, are a machine!


We all have our hobbies my brother. Hope you and Rose are doing great today.


You guys are both unnatural forces if we’re being honest around here… :100: @DougDawson @JohnnyPotseed Living Legends :dragon:


Unfortunately I only dropped that one bean of the Thunder Rose. I really didn’t have the room for it , but couldn’t wait so I squeezed one in! I would have dropped more but I never really expected all of the clones I took to survive and thrive! :joy: I started with one Frankie Fem bean but some how ended up with 5 plants! :joy: That’s why if TR is a male I’ll probably keep and collect. Cuts WILL be taken before flowering! :grin:
Talking about the awesome value of your beans and strength of your genetics! Cuts root so easy! And grow so well! :slightly_smiling_face:


Omg, so over it…
Just finished a 14hr day in the sun. Fml.
In more exciting news…
So we contracted a milling company to shave some asphalt for an overlay. No, I dont do asphalt, I do dirt lol. The mill operator gets setup and goes “ok, well I fired my guy, who’s running the mill with me?” Y’all shoulda seen the look on my crew’s faces, hehe. You’d think this guy had bugs crawlin out his ears. “Well hell, guess that’s me then!” I have never operated or been on top of one of these machines before. Quite the exciting experience. I’m burnt to a crisp. Though I could do without making a living out of it. But, it is tempting. The guy said he banks $1800 a week! But ya gotta travel, and its six or seven day weeks. :grimacing:
For those that don’t know what this is. Here’s a pic. TWO Cummins engines in this bad boy.


Looks like it mighta been some fun… for a minute or two! lol

I’m gonna shut down for the evening, folks. Cyas tomorrow.
Good Night OG!


I worked for a mail house printer for a bit. Almost all junk mail, but some similarities. I ran the folders. Noisy buggers.