Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

lol You might find yourself watching it a second time the next day or so, then you’ll catch a lot of stuff you missed the first go round! It’s worth the look see, cuz!

lol even though it’s pretty violent. We both enjoyed it

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I got busy with the plants. When I went in the flower room to water I found out that one of my LPC X’s must have thrown a nanner I didn’t catch. My two plants that were in there were pollinated. They went to the goats this morning. I thought they looked like they had been hit but I was hoping they were just finishing early. No such luck. I started cleaning the room before I flip all but one of my clones in a few days.


Damn the luck!Sorry to hear that brother, i know ya gotta be disappointed. But that shit happens… to us all!


If I weren’t sitting on a large stash with five of the same strains dang near ready to flip it would have hurt more. lol


lol Way to go! Heck yeah!


Back up is good @MoBilly


In fact, I kept about 2 oz of the LPC cross and the rest is in the freezer for hash. I might just do that today. Well, back outside in the wonderful weather we’re having. Just yard work today. lol
Be back later. :slight_smile:


Rose helped me out to the barn to check on progress with the big girl. The center is loving it’s newfound freedom and better lighting, all the outter limbs have a lot of the new growth sites peeking upwards at the light also! It’s gonna be a good’un, I’m thinking! lol
The yellowing is going away gradually, getting greener again.
‘Feed Me, Seymour…Mo Nitro’!


Looks like it’s going to be a beast!!!
It sure looks to have taken to the opening up quite well!!!

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A ‘Beast’ is what I’m shooting for here, cuz! lol I got so envious (and tired!) of looking at all the monster Frankies being grown by the grand growers here on OG! I just couldn’t stand it any more… :scream: :thinking: :rofl: :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1:
I HAD to grow one ‘BIGUN’ indoors, dual purpose though, lol show you can do it indoors like outdoors. As well as getting 1 plant to do the work of 4-5. (plant count limits) Provide cuttings for the folks wanting them, clones for continuing her, some branches for pollinating/seed production, and some fine buddage for our personal use/pleasure!
lol If ya only knew how much I had to pester(read beg,plead on knees) the boss-lady to allow me this ONE!
She’s kept me down to using 3gal pots only, since it’s mostly her doing all the actual work in the barn. I’m not much use…


Well please thank mrs rose for all of us. Can’t wait to see this beast in her full glory.


That ‘plant count, one plant doing the work of 4-5’ was what got to the boss-lady in the end. lol Means actually less work for her.
@GallacreekD66 lol give her a month, cuz.There will be a big difference, that you can count on. lol


Lol. I’m too damn friendly probably give most of these away to good homes. Wish I had big spot of land in the mountains to play on but only have small closet space for now but yeah I’m set for a while for sure.


loll outta likes…again!
So here ya go, my friend!
:heart: :heart: :heart:

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I ordered again from speak easy. Canceled from a different seed bank


Now THAT makes more sense! lol Way to go


Being slow is a trait of mine :crazy_face:


It does provide a certain comfortable feeling. lol


Around here folks have to kinda fudge plant count limits. Zero is most definitely the legal limit here. We are so ass backwards that they just raided a vape shop that sells delta-8, THCa, etc- stuff that I’m pretty sure falls under the hemp act. We shall see.
But what kind of chicken shit is that anyway, this guy is out trying to make a honest living. Not robbing or stealing, not drinking and driving, not a lot of other things they police could be focusing on.
Anyway enough whining - Good evening y’all!


Here in Oklahoma, each medical card holder is allowed 6&6, 6 in veg, 6 in flower. So for the two of us, it’s 12 & 12 for a total of 24. While that may sound like a lot, lol I’m sure everyone that has plant count/limits will agree… it’s NEVER enough! You have seedlings, some of which will be culled, cuttings coming along into clones/baby plants, mother plants that aren’t gonna be flowered out anytime soon, flowering plants that are almost at the end. etc.
I’m trying hard to make it work, lol And I’m close! Like one plant in each category close.
Oh, lol don’t forget the male pollen donors, that aren’t going to produce any ‘smoke’.

The one male I’m collecting pollen from is that one over in flower… 12 gals in bloom
The Unicorn Poop seedlings are getting culled gradually, as the non-performers show themselves.
One of em has already been tossed, lol

Damn shame! lol When I was in a non-legal state, i had hundreds of plants going! Here when we had a commercial license, we had hundreds going… now? SMH, lol

edit… (last one, lol I PROMISE) Trying to be legit is a PITA!!