Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

At least they let you include others in your household. We had an amendment to ours that took it from 6 plants to 12 plants per household, but, it’s no longer profitable for law enforcement, so it’s pretty much a free for all. IF they decide to show up, it’s a $100 fine, and they take plants above your plant count, so they leave everyone alone. I bud out my 12 outdoors every year, but some folks down the road, have 50-100 and don’t get bothered. We are supposed to have them in a “locked enclosure”, but they don’t enforce much anymore.


I’m honestly not even sure what my allowed # is here. It’s changed more than once. Layers. Which set of rules do I follow? There’s indoor #s, outdoor, county, and city. Seedling, veg and flower. As long as you aren’t being stupid or greedy, it’s not a big deal. I think I’m close. I’ve had PD at my door when I had shit hanging. I actually called when the guy just up the street let some creep stay in his garage. He kept eyeballing the kids playing so I called PD. Something was off. I practically got an award. The perverts had slipped thru and not reported for a couple years. Bye bye. PD was so stoked.


@Kgrim I think I LIKE your state’s way of handling things, cuz!
@crownpoodle Perverts shouldn’t be allowed to live! I went so far as to shoot a guy (kneecapped him) when I walked up and caught him with his hand up a 2-3yr old little girl’s dress. This was in the mid '70s
Years later, she told my 3 sons the story (told to her by her mom) she wasn’t old enough to really remember.


I’ve had the sheriffs dept seek me out while I was out in the swamp, asking questions about the methheads next door, and didn’t bat an eye. None of mine are in an enclosed, locked structure. We talked about it, and they said it’s like bottom tier stuff for them now, especially out here in the country. Now, in the city limits, the Task Force is handing out tickets and making visits, but only because neighbors are crying about the smell, and turning folks in for not having them locked up.
Unfortunately, I think you folks out in OK are still being ganged up on even though it’s legal now because it probably still generates funds for the PoPo.


We were inspected/visited by OMMA (Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority) twice during our commercial years. Since we retired and didn’t renew our license… zero times. lol No idea what they do for any infractions, but I’ve heard they take your growing priveleges/ confiscate card, & possible fines.

None of which I want to happen to us, So lol I’m as ‘legit as it git’! (or very close! lol)


I know another grower out there that made his money and got out when they were forced to use the metrc system. They were visited monthly to make sure they were in “compliance” but since he didn’t renew his license, no one has bothered him, and he’s just growing for him, his wife, and a couple Veteran patients. He doesn’t abide by the plant counts, but isn’t going overboard with his crops either, allowed 24 plants, and he’s running 36 thru his setup.


lol I can relate, For the past couple of years, this is the closest we’ve been to allowed limits!


They’re an ‘out-of-state’ conglomerate that runs the systems for quite a few states. Total and complete buttmuinchers, the whole lot of em!
Based in Florida, if I remember right.
They made outrageous rules & regulations, and we had to abide by them or face very stiff penalties up to loss of license! RFID tags on every plant, and every plant’s location logged, if one plant is outta place, stiff fines!

edit… and you can believe this, they charged for every tag , in addition to the monthly & yearly ‘fees’


Yes sir!!! They have their foot in every cannabis business here in MI also. The thing is, they’ve got a political foothold, and pitch their system to the lawmakers, and they are like, ooohhhh look at that, we can hit a button and find out what’s going on from our office chairs.


Oh yeah, lol their RFID tags need special readers, with special programs. That they just happen to have/supply for a hefty fee.
Just another of their ‘monthly fees’ don’t pay, there’s a fine and possible loss of license. They might as well hold a gun to your heads and flat out ROB yas!

edit… lol if you haven’t figgered it out yet, yeah I didn’t/don’t like em. They can go to hell in a rowboat with their crotches on fire, for all I give a damn about em!

Sorry, @Kgrim lol but when you mentioned METRC, you pushed one of my ‘buttons’!

The first year, there was a instate company that was reasonably priced. METRC put more money in their pockets, so they tossed the original.


Comes down to one thing basically, $$$$. Everyone wants a piece of the pie. There are only so many pieces in a pie.


lol I’ve liked a lot of what I’ve seen today. Apparently to the point I’m running outta them dang things! (AGAIN!lol)


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I TOTALLY agree with you!!! I bet if you dig deep enough, it’s probably owned by Monsanto or Bayer under a shell company. It’s a HUGE pile of BS, along with the unregulated “testing” that has no set standards.
Sorry I pushed a button @JohnnyPotseed, I didn’t mean too cuz!!!


It’s no big deal, my friend! lol I tend to vent now n then. we had to toss all the labels and programs, QR code readers, etc from the first company. To replace with more, expensive stuff. Cost us a pretty penny, and I’m still pissed about it.!
But, fortunately, only when I think about it!



I would be too. We have another company here also, but metrc is lining the pockets of those in the legislature so they too are being phased out.
My partner and I had considered doing a large grow op, since we’ve got about 5-8k sq ft we could dedicate, but got into the costs involved, and we scrapped that pretty quick. So we just grow enough with our outdoor every year and don’t have to pay anyone, and have a diverse range of genetics. I’ve still got 9 strains I haven’t washed and tried from last year yet, and taking down the 1st of 8 tomorrow night, LOL.
The kids smoke flower, I strictly smoke hash. Ran 90 ounces thru the Cannatrol last year, and did 2 washes. They have 4 ounces left, and I’ve still got enough hash to smoke till probably Christmas, and that’s a good thing , LOL


It must be contagious because now I am out of likes for like 5 minutes in between

I just handed out my last for a bit, lol so here ya go, cuz!
:heart: :heart: :heart:
I bounced over a couple diff threads, tossing likes as I went! lol


@Kgrim Wow!! Awesome and massive output!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs: :flushed:

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We had mothers of over 52 strains when commercial, but not now, lol Down to probably around 10 I think
White Rhino
Orange Goji
Unicorn Poop
Thunder Rose
Crystal Skull Kush
Coral Kush
Frosted Cobra

ooops 11 lol But some are being flowered out n gone.


Yes sir, we had some wicked tall trees last year.
90 ounces dried and filled a 15.5 cubic ft freezer for hash. It took the kids and I about 3 weeks to get ‘em down and processed.
You only see 2 1/2 of the 12 we had last year, and they were all this tall and taller.