Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Hell yeah! Very nice!


You had it going on in the day Cuz!!!
52 strains is phenomenal!!!
That’s WAY more than I could keep track of. I would have to retire and dedicate all my time to something like that. Right now, I’ve got to worry about getting custom doors built and getting payroll done so my guys don’t cry too bad, LOL


Beautiful selection!!!
A VERY nice range of tastes of highness you have there my friend!!!

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Well lol all our time was dedicated to that! But it was our business, with nothing else on our plates.
Thnx for that, lol I’m moving on after crossing some of em with others. New things in the works now lol
Like I hit the CSK with Alaska Thunder Fuck pollen (SKULL-FUKD) also SkyWalker hit with Blue Moon Rocks (MOONWALKER) beans should be ready in another 4-5 weeks lol,

I just have too many strains/seeds in my vault waiting to be grown out! Managed to get rid of a couple hundred strains in the past couple years, but still have around 150 or so to go, before I go!! lol


@Kgrim Damn they’re huge!!! Need a serious helper!? :flushed: :sweat_smile:
Amazing plants and yield!! Fantastic!!!
:sunglasses: :partying_face:


That was last years run.
Feel free to stop bye, grab some scissors, smoke a few bowls, have a few drinks, and watch the kids work!!! I’ve been teaching my step kids how to be self sufficient and not have to buy any smoke for the year, and they’re doing pretty good. There’s nuances with growing that you’re aware of, that can only be learned thru experience. Even though I’m explaining things to them, hands on learning is the best teacher.
This year has kinda been a bitch because the damn mosquitoes are out there by the millions, worst I’ve seen it in 17 years of living out here.


Ouch! Outdoors can be a pain, figuratively as well as literally! But the lighting is free, lol and the yield is a lot more.
Still believe the best though is indoor stuff.
No worries to speak of indoors, no thieves, police, bad weather/temps, pests, etc
Moved to indoors in the winter of '84 and ain’t looked back!


@Kgrim and @JohnnyPotseed Compared to my plants, those are Sequoias!
:partying_face: :sweat_smile: :sunglasses:

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What? That lil Frankie mother I got going in the veg room?

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You OGers have filled my vault with more strains than I thought I would ever have. I went from 12 when I joined, to well over 110 now since I joined. The Veterans Box last year was just phenomenal!!! I only grew 1 strain from it this year, (Grizzly Purple Kush) because I had requests for other clones before I received them.
I’m hitting it this winter with an indoor run, and running another 12 outdoor next season.


I might put one Frankie outdoors, lol next year. A couple years ago, while still in business, we put out over 120 and lost over half to bad storms! Indoors we had over 700 and only lost what we culled!


Are you in Canada or US? How long and how often can you do it outdoors?

‘84 was my 3rd year growing outdoors!!!
Boy have I learned a LOT since being a teenager, LOL
But I always had smoke all winter when no one else did, and it financed a bunch of stuff that a non job holding teenager should have been able to afford, LMAO

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I’m in the US, and can only do 1 outdoor run a year.


:+1: :+1: :rofl: I grew up on my grampas Ganja farm, so never knew life without marijuana growing

I ‘financed’ my own lifestyle stealing pounds outta the barn he stored it in (Bales stacked as high as the rafters in places) no telling how much I sold to other folks all those teen years! lol

I didn’t consider it so much as ‘stealing’ lol more of a ‘workers shrinkage’ I’m sure he knew too, lol


imagined that!


Nice!!! Wish I would have had someone to teach me. I am self taught thru learning. It was tricky back in the mid ‘80’s keeping it from the eye in the sky, and getting it out of the corn fields before they got confiscated or the farmers harvested.


Grampa had rows and rows and rows of that stuff going on his farm lol
Around 25 acres approx. dedicated to Ganja only.
He also had another 100acres with 25 each of Soybean, corn, cotton, tobacco. Rotated every year.
Also 25acres in the family buildings, and kitchen garden -veggies & fruits
Decent sized farm. Lots of family around to help work it too, lol


Ok I’m getting too stoned to type proper lol I gotta edit the heck outta my posts!
lol typos no end…

I suffer from BFLK syndrome. Not a good combination with stoned AF!
Big Fingers, Little Keys


Grampa owned the local cannery, Chickens, hogs, beef cattle/milk cows, a country general store with 2 pump gas station out front, and some commercial fishing boats. He invested money made in addition to keeping the whole family in food, he also paid everyone that worked whenever.