Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Sweet menu to choose from Johnny, I currently have 6 to pick from but a few jars are getting skimpy. Soon to be replenished.

good evening all!


There are more to choose from. Those were just what we chose to blend for smoking, lol
A couple of em were just tossed in so we can wash the jars out. It was the last of 2 strains


I get bummed if down to a strain or two, trying my best to not let that happen again.


It does happen, to us all. Very true that it’s a bummer!
With ‘continuous harvest’ growing, we chop a couple strains/plants every couple weeks. Been using ‘CH’ style for many years. So it pretty much keeps us in good smoking Ganja


Stem borer hole broke this NL2 branch for me.


Damn pests! I can’t toss a like on that, cuz. Damn shame too! Looks like it was starting to stack nice!


They get in early when I’m slacking on ipm.

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I always envy the harvests of the outdoor guys but y’all have it tough, damn that sucks @Hashpants


It’s a guess but number of strains to blend 14 plus maybe .

Now ya guys got me wondering .


Ya got us beat then, lol congrats on a nice selection! Just looked, (got curious) 12 here.
Only time we ran out was last year when I went down bad. The grow went to shit! lol then Rose stepped her game up to cover my ass being down with medical issues.
That woman, my friends, is a goddess!


I look forward to meeting her. Well, you too for that matter. lol


yep, lol it’s gonna be a throwdown hoedown!

Call that out in Chicago, and watch a lotta ‘hos’ hit the floor!


You do realize that I have probably NEVER smoked anything like what you guys grow. Other than my own mediocre product, I’ve smoked next to nothing.
If you want any conversation either do it early or don’t bring out the big guns right away.
Well, rarely, would be a better term to use @JohnnyPotseed . I had some friend send me some killer weed a while back. lol
Way better than mine!


Just a couple more weeks.
I’m smoking some really good and nicely cured London Pound Cake. Its pretty dam good smoke. I smoked a half a cone and I’m pretty wasted.


I have some beans of LPC#75xJack Herer. Might drop em soon


What a shitty day I had today.
First I stepped in fresh cat shit as soon as I got out of bed. Right then, I knew a screwed up day is in store.
Then I checked my girls. They got storm damage. Had to fix that.
Then I had to go across town to take care of some family drama.
Then, on the way home I’m sitting at a red light. Less than a mile from the house. This guy comes up behind me and WHAM! Right into the back of my truck. It hit so hard I moved forward and tagged the car in front of me. Get this. It took the cops at least 45 minutes to respond. Good thing there were no injuries.
Then the cop said he smelled alcohol on the guy that rammed me. He blew a .18. That’s over twice the legal limit.
Other than that, I had a marvelous day.


Damn cuz, the hits just kept coming for ya today! I’m sure sorry to hear all of that crap. I can’t toss any likes on it either! But the day is almost done, and you’re winding down the right way, lol with a bowl (or more!) of some relaxing Ganja…


Ummmmm I spent the day hauling metal scrap… It was hotter than I liked and I sweated some. I even complained a little… I guess I shouldn’t have been complaining… yeah. All that sucked brother.
VERY glad you didn’t get hurt!


Well, we just kinda laid around the shanty getting good buzz on all day. Not trying to rub it in, my friends.

Edit… Yas do realize, your turn is coming? lol In no time at all, y’all will be retired and laying around feeling sorry for the po mo fo that’s gotta get out n after it!


Damn @BigMike55 srry for your fucked up day brother.

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