Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

My ford truck took a bit of a beating. The rear quarter panel, tail lights, rear bumper, back up cameras, tailgate will all have to be replaced on the back. The front will need a new bumper. and all that will need special paint. Its a Platinum model. It has a paint called white chocolate with a pearl in it.
The feller that hit me was in a newer model Dodge truck. His whole front end is smashed. Bet its totalled. The guy in front of me was in a little Kia fastback. His back hatch will need to be replaced.
Cops threw cuffs on the guy and into the patrol car it goes. Funny tho. We waited at least 45 minutes for the cops to show up. This guy was walking around chatting on his phone. Did not appear to be intoxicated, in my opinion. Just by looks.


Doesn’t matter if 1.8… Hie insurance is gonna be paying up I bet. Don’t ya feel a bit of nagging whiplash there brother?!

@BigMike55 the adrenaline was masking your pain… but now that you’ve had time to relax and wind down some… “there’s this pain in my back and neck” :scream: :crazy_face: :+1:


Rub it in, rub it in!


The thought had crossed my mind. But, you know I ain’t like that. Now, if I really got hurt??? Damn skippy, hippie. I would already have called my lawyer.


Not to mention all the new fishing poles that got broken!


I’m sure the emotional trauma is going to make it difficult to get up the nerve to drive… It might take years before driving doesn’t trigger an episode. Your car should be your safe place man! The dude robbed you of your safe place!!!
:dollar: :dollar: :dollar:
Glad you ain’t that way my friend.


I’m like you brother, I was kiddng with all that… or, was I? :thinking: :lying_face: :scream: lol


Y’know? Right after it happened and I got out of my truck, my back did hurt a bit. Even said that to the guy that hit me. But it appears ok right now. If I’m stove up in the morning, I might go to the hospital. And my left shoulder too. We’ll see. But honestly. I really ain’t like that. I feel like its stealing if you’re not really banged up, make sense?


Yep. It costed the guy that rear ended my pickup a trip to the salvage yard for a used bumper. That’s all I was out so that all it took.

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Yep, totally. BUT, you know adrenaline WILL mask/cover up an injury/pain. Later is when you do feel it.
From the damage description, sounds like you took a serious hit, doubled.


Did the guy in the KIA give you a great big hug for possibly saving his life? lol


If that Dodge truck had hit the KIA that hard it would have mated the dang thing right there in the intersection.

If not mated,the KIA driver would been sporting a new ‘grill’ lol the front bumper/grill of the Dodge woulda been shoved so far up his arse, when he grinned the headlights would shine out of his mouth!


Yeah, I know. I was t-boned a few years ago. About a half mile from today’s accident. Coincidence. I did not feel bad until tomorrow. Nothing broken but bruised up. Had to go to rehab for about three months. Which I liked. The lady that worked me was a real sweetheart and real easy on the eyes. Wait… I mean she was ugly but effective.
Its not over. That guy is in deep shit, man. Ill bet his fine will be huge. And maybe cost him his job. Yeah, he’s pretty much screwed for the foreseeable future. I kinda feel bad for him. But again, this is why insurance is required. Not suing him personally, just his insurance company.
The guy in front of me?? Who knows what he will do. He had his wife and infant in the car with him. Sucks all around.


Dude :joy: gold!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :scream:Dude… catch up here! :heart: :crazy_face: :+1:

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Then I say you were blessed beyond your understanding my friend. You were placed there, in that moment to save lives.

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Fate, destiny, karma… call it what ya will. That baby is alive & well. Heck, the whole family, for that matter!


lol @HealingHerb I’m pickin n grinnin, jokin n tokin here, cuz…


Glad you’re ok @BigMike55, had a council worker sitting up people’s arses this morning and driving crazy on my way to work. Everyone needs to chill on the roads and be more aware for sure.